Tomeu Penya - Sirena - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tomeu Penya - Sirena

Conten els que s'en recorden, que en sa seva vida,
They tell me that those who remember, who in their life,
Mai no havien vist dolçura nina tan garrida,
They had never seen such a graceful, sweet, lovely girl,
Tal prodigi d'hermosura,
Such a marvel of beauty,
Que ses flors s'empegueïen
That the flowers envied her
I d'enveja s'enfilaven per sa cintura
And jealously climbed up her waist
Ell era un jovenet ben plantat i noble,
He was a handsome and well-bred young man,
Que per coses del destí va recalar en es poble,
Who by destiny's design arrived in the village,
I podeu pensar i creure
And you can imagine and believe
Tot d'una que se toparen,
That as soon as they met,
Veren llamps colors i roses i s'enamoraren
They saw lightning, colors, and roses and fell in love
Cada dia que passava més s'estimaven,
Each day that passed they loved each other more,
Fins que un vespre obscur vengueren uns homes d'enfora,
Until one dark evening some men came from outside,
I es jovenet s'endugueren.
And they took the young man away.
Pus més mai ja no el va veure,
And she never saw him again,
I ella espera qui t'espera i plora qui plora...
And she waits and waits and cries and cries...
Conten que se'n va anar un dia cap a Ciutat,
They say that one day she went to the city,
Sense dur-se'n cap ni dir res a ca seva,
Without taking any of her belongings or telling anyone,
I es darrers que la varen veure,
And those who last saw her,
Diuen que anava per s'arena,
Say that she was walking along the beach,
I que poc a poc se fongué amb la mar.
And that little by little she blended in with the sea.
Conten els pescadors que molt de tant en quan,
The fishermen say that very often,
Senten com surt d'es fons un singlotet de pena.
They hear a sob of grief coming from the depths.
Diuen que es sa nineta aquella,
They say it is that young girl,
Que se va convertir en sirena,
Who turned into a mermaid,
I encara està cercant es seu estimat.
And she is still looking for her loved one.
Cada dia que passava més s'estimaven,
Each day that passed they loved each other more,
Fins que un vespre obscur vengueren uns homes d'enfora,
Until one dark evening some men came from outside,
I es jovenet s'endugueren.
And they took the young man away.
Pus més mai ja no el va veure,
And she never saw him again,
I ella espera qui t'espera i plora qui plora...
And she waits and waits and cries and cries...
Conten que se'n va anar un dia cap a Ciutat,
They say that one day she went to the city,
Sense dur-se'n cap ni dir res a ca seva,
Without taking any of her belongings or telling anyone,
I es darrers que la varen veure,
And those who last saw her,
Diuen que anava per s'arena,
Say that she was walking along the beach,
I que poc a poc se fongué amb la mar.
And that little by little she blended in with the sea.
Conten els pescadors que molt de tant en quan,
The fishermen say that very often,
Senten com surt d'es fons un singlotet de pena.
They hear a sob of grief coming from the depths.
Diuen que es sa nineta aquella,
They say it is that young girl,
Que se va convertir en sirena,
Who turned into a mermaid,
I encara està cercant es seu estimat.
And she is still looking for her loved one.
Conten els pescadors que molt de tant en quan,
The fishermen say that very often,
Senten com surt d'es fons un singlotet de pena.
They hear a sob of grief coming from the depths.
Diuen que es sa nineta aquella,
They say it is that young girl,
Que se va convertir en sirena,
Who turned into a mermaid,
I encara està cercant es seu estimat.
And she is still looking for her loved one.

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