Tommy Vercetti - Briäf a Misäuber (Liebe 1) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tommy Vercetti - Briäf a Misäuber (Liebe 1)

Briäf a Misäuber (Liebe 1)
Letter to a Misfit (Love 1)
Liebe Simon hiä isch Winter,
Dear Simon, it's winter here,
Schneestärnä adä Fänster,
Snowflakes at the window,
Chauti Händ, toti Gsichter,
Cold hands, dead faces,
Ig ha a di müessä dänkä.
I had to think of you.
Ig weiss dr Frühelig isch bezoubernd,
I know spring is enchanting,
Schmetterlingä, Änglä singä, äng umschlungä du und si, ohni Gwunder,
Butterflies, angels sing, you and she embraced, no wonder,
S'schiint es längt für immer.
It seems to last forever.
Doch aues änderet, nüt blibbt,
But everything changes, nothing remains,
Ds darf di nid erschreckä.
Don't let that frighten you.
S'isch jedä Morgä öpper nöis,
Every morning someone new,
Chasch immer nöi entdeckä.
You can always rediscover them.
D'Wäut schnuufet, du muesch mitgah.
The world breathes, you have to go with it.
Nume Puls versteit d'Liebi.
Only pulse understands love.
Philosophie wird nid grösser, aus dini Mam wenn si di wieget.
Philosophy doesn't get bigger than your mother when she rocks you.
Si säge di Zitä si verbi und verstecke d'Truur i ihrnä Ougä.
They say times have changed and hide the sorrow in their eyes.
Schribä d'Liebi isch da und widmä z'Buech arä Frou.
They write love is here and dedicate a book to a woman.
Gloub nid ar Illusion, du heigsch unändlech Müglechkeite.
Don't believe in illusion, you have endless possibilities.
Wüu chli chattä isch okei, eis ga trinkä, villech eh Nacht doch us füfhundert wird schnäu null wenns drum geit näb ihrä z'schlafä, drum geit mit ihre z'grännä, mit ihrä z'läbä, mit ihrä Chind z'ha.
Wanting a little chat is okay, having a drink, maybe one night out of five hundred will quickly become zero if it doesn't involve sleeping next to her, crying with her, living with her, having children with her.
Wenn si würklech guet schmöckt wirsch du aus i ihrä findä.
If she really tastes good you'll end up inside her.
Liebi isch ke Supermarkt.
Love is not a supermarket.
Du findsch kes Produkt nach Mass,
You won't find a tailor-made product,
Mit Garantie für Wahnsinns-Sex, Harmonie und luuter Spass.
With a guarantee for amazing sex, harmony and pure fun.
Liebi isch ke Wüsseschaft, Glück kennt kes Schlüssuloch.
Love is not a science, happiness has no keyhole.
Subjekt si bedütet irä Wäut vo Objekt läbä.
Being a subject means living in her world of objects.
U plötzlech isch si ä Mönsch, Happy-End verbi,
And suddenly she is a human being, happy ending over,
Fium geit witer.
Film continues.
Us vergöttere wird Ihversucht, us interessant si wird strittä.
Forgetting turns into trying, being interesting turns into fighting.
Doch das isch aues paradox, lah di nid la iritiere.
But it's all paradoxical, don't let it annoy you.
Isch eh Liebi womä nid trout würklech wärt z'kontrolliere?
Is a love you don't trust really worth controlling?
U mängisch möchtschere iz Gsicht schlah.
And sometimes you want to slap her face.
Dr Hass chochet tief, nimms aus Zeiche wi fest du liebsch.
The hatred boils deep, take it as a sign of how much you love.
Wärs anders wärs dr glich.
If it were different it would be the same.
Wär si anders wärsch nid hie.
If she were different, you wouldn't be here.
Aso schnuff tief und küss sä.
So take a deep breath and kiss her.
Villech begrifsch de ei Sekunde, was Jesus scho immer gwüsst het.
Maybe you'll understand for a second what Jesus always knew.
Chunnsch du nach entsteit Ribig - mir si üs ds nümmä gwöhnt.
You come after the rib is created - we're just not used to it anymore.
Wüu dr PC het ä Off-Chnopf, Fernseh flimeret so schön.
Because the PC has an off button, the TV flickers so beautifully.
Aus isch müglech, aues iz.
So it's possible, this too.
Ganzi Wünsch ...
Whole wishes ...
Klar hautet ke Beziehig länger aus zwöi drü Jahr bi au däm Shit.
Of course, no relationship lasts longer than two to three years with all this shit.
Z'Läbä ä Bitch und du wirsch äuter, nüt stimmt wome dir verzeut het.
Life's a bitch and you get older, nothing is true that you were told.
De wärs doch schön wenn si no hie wär und dir seit ds ihre Heud bisch.
Then it would be nice if she was still here and told you she was your today.
Wüu Liebi isch viu schaffä, isch akzeptiere, isch entscheidä.
Because love is a lot of work, is accepting, is deciding.
Was mit Geld nid chasch zahle isch bim stärbe nid allei si.
What you can't pay with money is not being alone when you die.
Wille isch romantisch ihres Schicksau.
Willing is romantic to her fate.
Geduld meh Lideschaft aus Hass.
Patience more passion than hate.
Und ig wott meh für si machä - schöner aus ig bi für si gmacht.
And I want to do more for her - more beautiful than I am made for her.
Und ig weiss mängisch luegsch i Spiegu, uf ds Schwarzä vor Pupiue.
And I know sometimes you look in the mirror, at the blackness in front of the pupils.
Suechend nachmä Glas vou Wiuue, wüu üs dr Hauter nüm cha Hiuf gä.
Looking for a glass of wine because our skin can no longer help us.
Mir si hützutag nüm fähig, isch chli eh z'gmüetlechi Erklärig.
We are no longer capable these days, it's a little too comfortable an explanation.
E Umarmig isch ou aues wenn e berüehmte Millionär bisch.
A hug is everything, even if you're a famous millionaire.
Und frag nid ob d'Müeh a Wärt isch.
And don't ask if it's worth the effort.
Wenn ds wüsstisch wärsch du Gott.
If you knew, you'd be God.
Und de wärs ja ou ke Müeh - zudäm ds Gott se niemeh wott.
And then it wouldn't be an effort - besides, God never wants to take it away.
Und unuswichlech wirsch abhängig.
And inevitably you become addicted.
Doch gägäsitig isches gsund.
But mutual is healthy.
Geits um Freiheit vo Materiellem blib e Rebell...
When it comes to freedom from the material, remain a rebel...
Und di Stouz wird viu verletzt, dänksch ds Läbä wär behindert.
And your pride is hurt a lot, you think life is handicapped.
Wo doch z'Läbä nur dr Sinn het paar Behinderige z'finge.
When life only makes sense to find a few handicaps.
Öpper wo ds umerennä linderet - mit dir Problem und mit dir Ching het.
Someone who eases the going around - has problems with you and children with you.
Ufem Stärbäbett isch Karriere sicher nüt wod wosch erinnere.
On your deathbed, a career is certainly not what you want to remember.
U dr Winter chunnt bestimmt - bitte eifach nüt verwächsle.
And winter will surely come - just please don't confuse anything.
Nid d'Tecki mitem Schnee, nid d'Heizig mitem Wätter.
Not the blanket with the snow, not the heating with the weather.
Jede Kuss mau isch me wäg - ds au Überschwang vo hüt.
Every kiss is one step further away - also today's exuberance.
Ä autä Ma seit e Stei sig am Sisifus sis Glück.
An old man says a stone is Sisyphus' happiness.
Ig weiss nid viu, weiss villech nüt.
I don't know much, probably nothing.
Ha ke Plan nume ds Gfüu ds, im Winter gsehsch klarer aus im Früehlig.
I have no plan, only the feeling that in winter you see more clearly than in spring.
Bis gly.
See you soon.
Rechte bei Tommy Vercetti
All rights reserved Tommy Vercetti

Авторы: Onur Dinc, Tommy Vercetti

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