Sorry, I have no time for iPhones, doodles, agendas
Ha ke Zit für hochkrämpleti Ermlä
No time for rolled-up sleeves
Ke zit für Challengs flexibu für jung und dynamisch
No time for challenges, flexible for young and dynamic
Ha ke Zit für süsch machts e angere.
No time for sweet talk, it makes me angry.
I ha grad ke zit fürne schnäuschuss es mues es mues
I just have no time for a quickie, it has to be, it has to be
Ke zit für Danke für di iisatz u liebe gruess.
No time for "thank you for your effort and best regards".
Ke zit für saisonchance u packemerse ah u du beiidrucksch nur mit der cravatteart
No time for seasonal opportunities and let's do it, ah, and you only impress with your tie style
I ha ke Zit für guets Gäud i ha ke zit für pflichte ke zit für täglech brot i ha ke zit e bitch ds si nid für Zuekunftsplän oder höcheri ghaltsklass u bi ke Workaholic
I have no time for good money, no time for duties, no time for daily bread, no time for a bitch that's not for future plans or higher salary class and I'm not a workaholic
ää dankä
uh, thanks
I ha ke Zit für au de scheiss sitze dehei u lise es buech
I have no time for all that shit, sitting at home and reading a book
Hane chauti schoggi ider hand u bi glücklech eifach so
Got a cold chocolate in my hand and I'm happy just like that
I ha ke Zit für au de scheiss i ha mini büechergstell halb vou u au drei monet sortierise nöi u bi glücklech eifach so.
I have no time for all that shit, my bookshelf is half full and I need to sort it again for three months and I'm happy just like that.
Sorry I ha ke zit für dis Agebot für posterwänd ni nid für sympatischi Sprüch u es chouf me lächle ke zit für shopping ke Zit für glöb u party nid für Sunnebrüuägsicht und e krasse Handschlag
Sorry I have no time for this offer, for poster walls, no, not for sympathetic sayings and a bought smile, no time for shopping, no time for clubs and parties, not for a Sunday brunch face and a firm handshake
Nid für farbigi Turnschueh u fläsche am Tisch
Not for colorful sneakers and bottles on the table
Ke Zit für schöni Schminki vergässemers wider
No time for beautiful makeup, let's forget it again
Ke Zit für fly ds si oder für mi drüber ds informiärä
No time to be fly or to inform myself about it
Ke Zit für fausches änglish u fründe akzeptiäri
No time for fake English and accepting friends
I ha ke zit für guet us ds gse
I have no time to look good
Ke zit zum schön si
No time to be beautiful
I ha ke zit zum fame si
I have no time to be famous
I ha ke zit zum blöd si
I have no time to be stupid
I ha ke Zit fürzieh dis ding düre u i bi ke geilä siäch
I have no time to go through this thing and I'm not a cool dude
ää dankä
uh, thanks
I ha gar ke Zit für au de schäiss flipflops ade füess, schwümme ider aare mit de jungs u bi glücklech eifach so
I have no time for all that shit, flip-flops on my feet, swimming in the river with the boys and I'm happy just like that
I ha grad ke zit für au de schäiss hocke bim umut u frissä der Täuer hocke vorem mac u figgä mi säuber u bi glücklech eifach so.
I just have no time for all that shit, squatting at Umut's and eating the Döner, squatting in front of the Mac and figuring myself out and I'm happy just like that.
Sorry i ha ke zit für kreativ u origineu für Kunst woni nid verstah und ou du nid versteisch
Sorry, I have no time for creative and original, for art that I don't understand and you don't understand either
Ke zit für diiss di säuber langsam scho i däm auter
No time for this, cleaning up slowly, already at this age
Ke zit für toleranz ha und e wohnig ir autstadt
No time for tolerance and an apartment in the old town
I ha ke Zit fürne Love drum gägä strom schwümme nid für vernissage, happening nid für hornbrüuä nid für mau chli öpis eigets u mau chli öpis angers
I have no time for love, therefore swimming against the current, not for openings, happenings, not for Hornbach, not for doing something myself and sometimes something different
Ke zit für gfäutschte nii hesches äuä ni verstangä
No time for messed up no's, you never understood it anyway
Ha ke zit für wichtig ha keni für ni richtig
No time for being important, none for never being right
Ha ni mau zit für richtig oder geit de mau id gschicht ih
Never even time for right or do you sometimes make history
I ha ke zit für de schäiis ds läbä isch ds churz
I have no time for the shit, life is too short
ää dankä
uh, thanks
Ds läbä isch ds churz (u i ha)
Life is too short (and I have)
Ds läbä isch ds churz (u i ha)
Life is too short (and I have)
Ds läbä isch ds churz (u i ha)
Life is too short (and I have)
Verdammt i ha
Damn, I have
Ds läbä isch ds churz (u i ha)
Life is too short (and I have)
Ds läbä isch ds churz (u i ha)
Life is too short (and I have)
Ds läbä isch ds churz (u i ha)
Life is too short (and I have)
Verdammt i ha
Damn, I have
Würklech ke Zit für au de schäiss
Really no time for all that shit
Es isch mänti morgä und i pose mi schadz
It's my morning and I pose my treasure
Legä nämli mi chopf i ihri stinkendä haar
Namely, I lay my head in her stinky hair
U bi glücklech eifach so
And I'm happy just like that
Uu i ha ke zit für au de scheiss es isch mäntii abe mir si immer no nackt, ässä schoggicreme uf im bett
And I have no time for all that shit, it's my evening, we're still naked, eating chocolate cream in bed
U i bi glücklech eifach so
And I'm happy just like that
I ha grad ke zit für au de scheiss hani gmacht dert ussä hasi ghäbt u sägä liebe di u si seit i weiss u i bi glücklech eifach so.
I just have no time for all that shit, did I make it out there, did I have and say I love you and she says I know and I'm happy just like that.
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