Tony Cetinski - Ja Ne Znam Nikog Boljeg Od Tebe - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tony Cetinski - Ja Ne Znam Nikog Boljeg Od Tebe

Ja Ne Znam Nikog Boljeg Od Tebe
I Don't Know Anyone Better Than You
Ja ne znam nikog boljeg od tebe
I don't know anyone better than you
I ne vjerujem da bolja postoji.
And I don't believe there's a better one out there.
Čak i u nečem nevažnom sasvim,
Even in something completely unimportant,
što se u ovom životu ne broji.
Which doesn't really matter in this life.
Kada sam bio gore na vrhu,
When I was up on the mountain top,
S koga se kažu sve vidi bolje,
From where it is said you can see everything better,
Nisam ni znao kad budem pao
I didn't know when I'd fall
Da ti ćeš sa mnom ostati dolje.
That you'd stay down there with me.
Takva k'o ti se ne sreće često
Someone like you isn't easily found
K'o dar sa neba u život stigne,
Like a gift from heaven that enters your life,
Uzalud tuga sve loše vijesti,
Sorrow and all the bad news are in vain,
Tvoja me ljubav svaki put digne.
Your love lifts me up every time.
Takva k'o ti me čuva od svega,
Someone like you protects me from everything,
Od onih što su mi život krale.
From those who took my life.
S tobom sam jači za ono nešto,
I'm stronger with you for something,
što one nikad nisu ni znale.
That the others have never known.
Ja ne znam nikog boljeg od tebe
I don't know anyone better than you
I ne vjerujem da bolja postoji.
And I don't believe there's a better one out there.
Čak i u nečem nevažnom sasvim,
Even in something completely unimportant,
što se u ovom životu ne broji.
Which doesn't really matter in this life.
Takva k'o ti se ne sreće često
Someone like you isn't easily found
K'o dar sa neba u život stigne,
Like a gift from heaven that enters your life,
Uzalud tuga sve loše vijesti,
Sorrow and all the bad news are in vain,
Tvoja me ljubav svaki put digne.
Your love lifts me up every time.
Takva k'o ti me čuva od svega,
Someone like you protects me from everything,
Od onih što su mi život krale.
From those who took my life.
S tobom sam jači za ono nešto,
I'm stronger with you for something,
što one nikad nisu ni znale.
That the others have never known.

Авторы: Miroslav Rus

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