Tote King - Pa Eso Vine - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tote King - Pa Eso Vine

Pa Eso Vine
For That I Came
Bien, según lo veo yo, hay dos formas de venir a este curro.
Well, as I see it, there are two ways to come to this gig.
Una es pa jugar y otra:
One is to play and the other:
Pa reinar, chico, pa eso vine,
To reign, babe, that's what I came for,
Tu no estaras cuando yo termine.
You won't be here when I'm done.
Pa reinar, chico, pa eso vine,
To reign, babe, that's what I came for,
Pa reventar con mi flow de cine.
To break it down with my cinematic flow.
Pa reinar, chico, pa eso vine,
To reign, babe, that's what I came for,
Tu no estaras cuando yo termine.
You won't be here when I'm done.
Pa reinar, chico, pa eso vine,
To reign, babe, that's what I came for,
Pa reventar con mi flow de cine.
To break it down with my cinematic flow.
Muy bien, da igual si eres bueno o chungo.
Alright, it doesn't matter if you're good or bad.
Si eres el más listo de la clase o el que se compro la power balance.
If you're the smartest kid in the class or the one who bought the power balance.
Toteking, nueva mierda, vuela, hijaputa vuela.
Toteking, new shit, fly, motherfucker fly.
Decir que lo mío no mola es tan absurdo como que True Detective no mola porque le mola a to el mundo.
Saying that mine is not cool is as absurd as saying True Detective is not cool because everyone likes it.
Esta ola se sale, le pillo el punto, que chico os veo desde la ventana del jumbo.
This wave is getting out of hand, I get the point, I see you guys from the jumbo window.
Voy sin rumbo y no me siento extraño con la misma mochila Eastpak de hace diez años,
I'm going nowhere and I don't feel strange with the same Eastpak backpack I've had for ten years,
Con la chispa que no se pierde, que nunca es humo, tengo 9-9 problemas, rapear no es uno.
With the spark that never gets lost, which is never smoke, I have 99 problems, rapping ain't one.
Se que ahí fuera hay mierda, estáis hasta el cuello.
I know there's shit out there, you're up to your neck in it.
Aún así no te amargues porque ganan ellos.
Still, don't be bitter because they're winning.
Dile a esos adultos que aprendan de chavales que tienen dos neuronas pa no cagar en la calle.
Tell those adults to learn from kids who have two brain cells so they don't shit in the street.
Y el mundo es tan feo y el tiempo es tan poco que no tengo tiempo pa un instagram y colgar dos fotos.
And the world is so ugly and time is so short that I don't have time for Instagram and posting two photos.
Postureo, lo se, de viejo loco, mi ego ese niño chico que vive bajo los focos.
Posturing, I know, crazy old man, my ego that little boy who lives under the spotlight.
Estoy contigo, eres mi hermano.
I'm with you, you're my brother.
Si el rap te dio lo que los bullies se llevaron,
If rap gave you what the bullies took away,
Si con tu lírica quieres cambiar de estado,
If you want to change your state with your lyrics,
Ciencias políticas, crimen organizado.
Political science, organized crime.
La religión no me la compro ni en saldos,
I don't buy religion, not even on sale,
Jamás seré cristiano pero puedo ser Ronaldo.
I'll never be a Christian but I can be Ronaldo.
Me gusta lo rancio, Shyamalan en Señales, el monólogo de Rutger Hauer en Blade Runner.
I like the old stuff, Shyamalan in Signs, Rutger Hauer's monologue in Blade Runner.
Lo mío no es Swag, es Schwarzenegger, largo,
Mine is not Swag, it's Schwarzenegger, long,
Yo siempre estoy como la nieve de Fargo.
I'm always like the snow in Fargo.
Un tipo grande con miedo, el docu de Tyson.
A big guy with fear, the Tyson documentary.
Otro cacho de vida, otra cacho de álbum.
Another piece of life, another piece of album.
Nena solo quiero que me des un rato y por ti como el de Magnolia me pongo aparatos.
Baby, I just want you to give me a little time, and for you, like the guy in Magnolia, I'll wear braces.
Estilo feelin' a lo Black Thought de Lay down.
Feelin' style a la Black Thought of Lay down.
Volando como los Looney Toons en Space Jam.
Flying like the Looney Toons in Space Jam.
Vengo del futuro y acabáis fatal por la puta obsesión de hacer algo viral.
I come from the future and you all end up fatally because of the fucking obsession to do something viral.
Excusas que usan si las musas se van, John Cusack y Jack Black en Alta fidelidad.
Excuses they use if the muses leave, John Cusack and Jack Black in High Fidelity.
Tirao en zona de los atunes, ojos azules de la Especia en Dune.
Lying down in the tuna zone, blue eyes of the Spice in Dune.
Espero un gran final pal track, la bacanal que cierra la peli El Perfume.
I hope for a great ending for the track, the bacchanal that closes the movie Perfume.
Y esta mierda es solo mía, yo lo hago adrede, lo más cerca que jamás estaré del Eddie Vedder.
And this shit is mine alone, I do it on purpose, the closest I'll ever be to Eddie Vedder.
Espero que tu talento se quede y que esté a la altura de tu posicionamiento en redes.
I hope your talent stays and lives up to your social media positioning.
Libertad en el alma, libertad en el track,
Freedom in the soul, freedom on the track,
Me he liberao de estilos pa poder empezar a crear.
I have freed myself from styles so I can start creating.
Báteme esas palmas, hazlo de verdad, el compi de Alcántara de vuelta en la ciudad.
Clap your hands, do it for real, the buddy from Alcántara back in town.
¡Libertad en el alma!, ¡Libertad en el track!
Freedom in the soul!, Freedom on the track!
¡Me he liberao de estilos pa poder empezar a crear!
I have freed myself from styles so I can start creating!
¡Báteme esas palmas!, ¡Hazlo de verdad!,
Clap your hands!, Do it for real!,
¡El compi de alcántara de vuelta en la ciudad!
The buddy from Alcántara back in town!
¡Put your hands up! ¡Put your hands up!
Put your hands up! Put your hands up!
Pa reinar chico, pa eso vine,
To reign, babe, that's what I came for,
no estarás cuando yo termine.
You won't be here when I'm done.
Pa reinar chico, pa eso vine,
To reign, babe, that's what I came for,
Pa reventar con mi flow de cine.
To break it down with my cinematic flow.
Pa reinar chico, pa eso vine,
To reign, babe, that's what I came for,
no estarás cuando yo termine.
You won't be here when I'm done.
Pa reinar chico, pa eso vine,
To reign, babe, that's what I came for,
Pa reventar con mi flow de cine.
To break it down with my cinematic flow.
Yeah, pa reinar chico, pa eso vine.
Yeah, to reign babe, that's what I came for.
¡Sevilla arriba!
Seville up!
¡Andalucía arriba!
Andalusia up!
¡Mi peña, mi gente, sabes lo que hay!
My peeps, my people, you know what's up!
¡No habrá paz pa los malvados!
There will be no peace for the wicked!
Ok, empezamos el rollo: 1, 2, 3, 4...
Ok, let's get this started: 1, 2, 3, 4...

Авторы: Manuel Gonzalez Rodriguez, Dj Rune

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