Tote King feat. Andreas Lutz - Ya No Me Enfado - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tote King feat. Andreas Lutz - Ya No Me Enfado

Ya No Me Enfado
I Don't Get Mad Anymore
I don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck...
I don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck...
Si hay un par de " 23's" puestas en mis pies ya no me afectan malos humos
If I have a couple of " 23's" on my feet, I'm not affected by bad vibes anymore
Ni si el mundo estalla ya no me importáis ni uno
Even if the world explodes, I don't care about any of you
Tampoco que una cola dos vueltas al Corte Inglés
Nor if a queue goes around the Corte Inglés twice
Pa que la Esteban firme libros dentro cuando no ha leído ninguno
For the Esteban to sign books inside when she hasn't read any
Ya no me enfado... aunque Paquirrín no es Dj Shadow
I don't get mad anymore... even though Paquirrín isn't Dj Shadow
Qué lejos habéis llevao la broma hermano!
How far you've taken the joke, brother!
Qué divertido es descubrir pa to los que votamos
How funny it is to discover for all of us who voted
Que vuestro presidente habla el inglés de Sergio Ramos
That your president speaks Sergio Ramos' English
Qué campechano Don Francisco en su túnica
What a down-to-earth Don Francisco in his robe
Cerdos del hemiciclo abucheando a lo Hooligan
Pigs of the hemicycle booing like Hooligans
Ya no me importan, le pillé gustillo al trauma
I don't care anymore, I've got a taste for trauma
Esa extraña sensación de estar quemao, y seguir a lo Niki Lauda
That strange feeling of being burnt out, and continuing like Niki Lauda
Con esta fauna, me resigno a diario
With this fauna, I resign myself daily
Videos Snuff que antes pagaban millonarios
Snuff videos that millionaires used to pay for
Y hoy los rula por Whatsapp cualquier compi del barrio y te da el día
And today any neighborhood buddy scrolls them on Whatsapp and gives you the day
Ahora no los descargo, ya no pierdo energía
Now I don't download them, I don't waste energy anymore
Ni tan siquiera cuando Manu Sánchez
Not even when Manu Sánchez
Salta de rociero a progre modernito tía
Jumps from flamenco to progressive hipster girl
Ya no quemo brujas...
I don't burn witches anymore...
Ni cuando veo a niños de 5 años en Canal Sur, resabiaos como marujas
Nor when I see 5-year-old children on Canal Sur, as sour as gossipy women
Stay away from me!!
Stay away from me!!
I don't give a fuck about nothing!!
I don't give a fuck about nothing!!
Nobody cares... So I don't give a fuck I don't give a fuck!!!
Nobody cares... So I don't give a fuck I don't give a fuck!!!
Me sua la putapolla to!!!
I don't give a damn about anything!!!
Ya no me enfado con la tele y sus programas ¿vale?
I don't get mad at TV and its programs anymore, okay?
Si salen a la calle a ridiculizar chavales
If they go out on the street to ridicule kids
Con preguntas lerdas rollo...¿Quién fue Adolfo Suarez?
With stupid questions like...Who was Adolfo Suarez?
Y los cerdos del programa... tampoco lo saben
And the pigs on the show... don't know either
Ya no me queman redes sociales, su efecto
I don't get burned by social media anymore, its effect
Ni padres subiendo al niño al Youtube como si fuesen expos
Nor parents uploading their children to Youtube as if they were exhibits
Quieren convencernos, ponerle vallas a su feudo
They want to convince us, put up fences in their fiefdom
Con su canción del millón de Euros
With their million-euro song
Y ante el tifónde emociones distorsionás
And in the face of the typhoon of emotions you distort
Prefiero al reggeaton que no me engaña si habla de follar en textos
I prefer reggeaton which doesn't deceive me if it talks about fucking in texts
Ni la derecha me da el rato
Not even the right gives me the time
Que no hacen na por ti y lo dan to por los no-natos
They don't do anything for you and give everything to the unborn
Perfecto, allá el ser humano y sus retrasos
Perfect, there the human being and its delays
Si ha confundido la verdad con el aplauso
If he has confused truth with applause
Ya no me enfado, ni con su pseudopoesía
I don't get mad anymore, not even with their pseudo-poetry
Que ha conquistao tu corazón analfabeto tía
That has conquered your illiterate heart, honey
Paso, de jóvenes en compañía
I'm passing, of young people in company
Con mucha raya blanca pa tanta charla vacía
With a lot of white line for so much empty talk
De ese timo de las quejas del artista
Of that scam of the artist's complaints
De la puerta de su limo al diván del psicoanalista
From the door of his limo to the psychoanalyst's couch
Stay away from me!!
Stay away from me!!
I don't give a fuck about nothing!!
I don't give a fuck about nothing!!
Nobody cares... So I don't give a fuck I don't give a fuck!!!
Nobody cares... So I don't give a fuck I don't give a fuck!!!
Me sua la putapolla to!!!
I don't give a damn about anything!!!

Авторы: Baghira, Manuel Gonzalez Rodriguez, Andreas Lutz

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