Tovaritch feat. OG Eastbull & Nane - Contactu II - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tovaritch feat. OG Eastbull & Nane - Contactu II

Contactu II
Contact II
Priviet, Soviet
Privet, Soviet
Come on
J'suis avec Fefe Cino
I'm with Fefe Cino
T'es au capuccino
You're on cappuccino
On mange des côtes d'agneau
We're eating lamb chops
Après on passe à la gnaule
Then we move on to the fun
J'suis dans ma cellule sa mère la pute j'repense à la taule
I'm in my cell, damn it, I'm thinking back to jail
La soirée j'annule, galère, c'est nul, demain j'me lève tôt
I'm canceling the night, it's a struggle, it sucks, I'm getting up early tomorrow
Et même si j'suis en tord, je nierais sale pétasse
And even if I'm wrong, I'll deny it, you dirty bitch
Il fait pas beau dehors, je n'irais pas au taffe
The weather's bad outside, I'm not going to work
C'est vrai, j'en ris encore, mais comme la coke, ta go j'la baffe
It's true, I'm still laughing about it, but like coke, I'm slapping your girl
Même devant les porcs, Soviet, je n'dirais pas les blases
Even in front of the pigs, Soviet, I won't say any names
Hey, paie tes dettes ou on te fuck
Hey, pay your debts or we'll fuck you up
Tu vas mourir jeune comme Pop Smoke
You're gonna die young like Pop Smoke
Fais pas le coq même si t'es stock
Don't act tough even if you're loaded
C'est pas la police ça fait (toc-toc-toc-toc)
It's not the police, it's (knock-knock-knock-knock)
Paye pas, j't'envoie, plus bas qu'terre
Don't pay, I'll send you lower than the ground
Joue pas, Russe al, Tchétchènes Rah
Don't play, Russian al, Chechens Rah
Rapide fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Monnaie tasse, "ché-cra Lex"
Money cup, "ché-cra Lex"
Paye pas, j't'envoie, plus bas qu'terre
Don't pay, I'll send you lower than the ground
Joue pas, Russe al, Tchétchènes Rah
Don't play, Russian al, Chechens Rah
Rapide fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Monnaie tasse, "ché-cra Lex"
Money cup, "ché-cra Lex"
Sunt ca tata, slabule, m-au crescut O.G.-ii
I'm like my dad, weakling, because I was raised by O.G.s
Nu faci plata, sclavule, și te sparg bighidii
You don't pay, slave, and the big guys will break you
Nu stau la discuții te mănânc fix ca pe pasta
I don't stand for discussion, I'll eat you like pasta
Intru-n pizdă odată, ți-ai pierdut și nevasta
I'll go into your pussy once, and you've lost your wife too
Matinal am investit și deja îs pe profit
I invested in the morning and I'm already in profit
Ți-ai futut banii pe țoale și ai rămas falit (pizdec)
You fucked your money on clothes and you're broke (pizdec)
Fire outfit cobor din navă (faut pister)
Fire outfit, I'm coming down from the ship (faut pister)
Le îndrăgostesc și le zic "pa fă"
I make them fall in love and tell them "bye bye"
duc spre vârf și nici nu sunt surprins măcar
I'm heading for the top and I'm not even surprised
E la vida loca necesit un documentar
It's at vida loca, I need a documentary
Niciodată șobolan mereu pe cașcaval
Never a rat, always on the cheese
Lege peste milă, peste paturi de spital
Law above mercy, above hospital beds
Bagă vere pe unde
Put it in deep
Pula mea voi pătrunde
My dick you will penetrate
Cică faceți, dar de unde?
They say you do it, but where from?
Acum sunteți pe niciunde, ha!
Now you're nowhere, ha!
Paye pas, j't'envoie, plus bas qu'terre
Don't pay, I'll send you lower than the ground
Joue pas, Russe al, Tchétchènes Rah
Don't play, Russian al, Chechens Rah
Rapide fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Monnaie tasse, "ché-cra Lex"
Money cup, "ché-cra Lex"
Paye pas, j't'envoie, plus bas qu'terre
Don't pay, I'll send you lower than the ground
Joue pas, Russe al, Tchétchènes Rah
Don't play, Russian al, Chechens Rah
Rapide fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Monnaie tasse, "ché-cra Lex"
Money cup, "ché-cra Lex"
Ah, cobor din bloc în trening Fendi (îs bogat)
Ah, I come down from the block in Fendi tracksuit (I'm rich)
Ah, sărută-mă naș Corleone (sunt mafia)
Ah, kiss me, godfather Corleone (I'm the mafia)
Ferrari alb cu geamuri negri (Italia)
White Ferrari with black windows (Italy)
Hm, sunt Maradona număr zece
Hm, I'm Maradona number ten
Ah, sunt peste foame peste lege
Ah, I'm above hunger, above the law
Ah, sunt legendă în cartiere
Ah, I'm a legend in the neighborhoods
Hm, murim în trening vindem kile
Hm, we die in tracksuits, we sell kilos
Ah, crescuți în praf cu prafuri fine
Ah, raised in dust with fine powders
Maică-mea nu mai munceşte, uite
My mom doesn't work anymore, look
Am major d'homme serveşte icre
I have caviar d'homme, serve it up
Pentru de mic strângeam banii ca luăm pâine (oh, Doamne)
Because since I was little, I was saving money to buy bread (oh, God)
Am devenit bărbat şi fără un tată lângă mine Soviet
I became a man without a father beside me, Soviet
Paye pas, j't'envoie, plus bas qu'terre
Don't pay, I'll send you lower than the ground
Joue pas, Russe al, Tchétchènes Rah
Don't play, Russian al, Chechens Rah
Rapide fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Monnaie tasse, "ché-cra Lex"
Money cup, "ché-cra Lex"
Paye pas, j't'envoie, plus bas qu'terre
Don't pay, I'll send you lower than the ground
Joue pas, Russe al, Tchétchènes Rah
Don't play, Russian al, Chechens Rah
Rapide fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Fast, Merco B.E.N.Z
Monnaie tasse, "ché-cra Lex"
Money cup, "ché-cra Lex"

Авторы: Aks Prod

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