Trackshittaz - De Würfin san gfoin - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Trackshittaz - De Würfin san gfoin

De Würfin san gfoin
The Dice Have Fallen
Erpfin, goasbock, traktor bam bam
Potatoes, goat buck, tractor bam bam
I biag o um de schreamsn
I'm taking a turn around the screaming ones
I hob d erpfin nu gernt
I learned about potatoes early on
Aufn weg ham zu mir bring
On the way they bring them to me
I schnö de gerti zum ernst
I take Gerti seriously
Moch mei göd mit erpfin und erbsen i bin a gstaundena mau he jo laung is da schwaunz und de fraun kennan kaun i hob 5 föda und an woid i bin da chef im revier und zfressn d ficha meine erpfin werd i bes mit de hirsch und do brauch i kan jaga daun hoi i aussa mei gwa glont und pah pah wei vor mein haus san glei zwa wei i ma ned auf da nosn herumtaunzn los und griagst an grei daun bock i aus mei drum schwaunz du blosst i bin a t&g a traktorgängsta fias lebn und etz gibts driesch, i hob de steckan glaub ma mau i steh gern im regn werd fette banger hi legn, de schiaßn wie s gwa von ortsschüd bis ortsschüd bin i nummer ans i kämpf gegen de feind a wauns hundert wan weis eh scho hundert san umman dam, yeah Schau i zoag da wies is I hau de kortn am tisch Wei du brauchst ned glaubn des lebn im dorf is a fisch Des is mei revier, du kumst in mei dorf daun gibt's drisch i kaun a, gangsta sa, waun i in meina mundort rap loss mi zruck, in mein sitz, traktorfohn du schwula depp, so schauts aus, derfistyle, i renn da mit meina mistgobi noch nur aus spaß, weis mi gfreid, jetzt schaust deppad und i loch bei uns schauds aundas aus, nix mit ghetto schiaßn bam bei uns gibts vierkanthof, und de traktorrafn drahn weis bei uns aundas is, laundlebn und ned stoistodt bei dir gehts um disco bei uns frogst nur wöfü san im stoi grod trotzdem hom ma göd wie hei und schiasns nur so über d'lein da stern am grüh, ka mercedes fergason a geile reim i loss de hittn ruin und chü im tempo 20 km/h kana braucht ma song wos i da sui wenn i gmiadlich 20 rundn drah und jetzt schaust neidisch drei des derfilebn des hod an sex i sog da 3 sochan dest ned kennst, olfian schwodan flex wei des is da lifestyle, wir san hort, und stengma do mid da gnoin denn de würfin san gfoin, jetzt muast zoin
Make my money with potatoes and peas, I'm a stand-up guy, hey, my tail is long and I know the women, I have 5 fields and a forest, I'm the boss in the area and the fish eat, I'll sow my potatoes with the deer and I don't need a hunter then I get out my gun, glint and pah pah because there are two right in front of my house because I won't let them dance around on my nose and you get a grey then I buck out my drum tail you blow I'm a T&G a tractor gangster for life and now there's a thrashing, I have the plugs believe me man I like to stand in the rain will lay down fat bangers, they shoot like the gun from town sign to town sign I'm number one I fight against the enemies even if there are a hundred because you already know there are a hundred around the dam, yeah Look, I'll show you how it is I have the cards on the table Because you don't need to believe life in the village is a fish This is my territory, you come into my village then there's a thrashing I can say gangster, when I let loose my rap in my hometown leave me back, in my seat, tractor flag you gay dude, that's how it is, the derf style, I run after you with my manure fork just for fun, because it makes me happy, now you look stupid and I laugh it's different here, nothing with ghetto shooting bam we have four-sided farms, and the tractor tires spin because it's different here, country life and not city life you're all about disco here you just ask how many are in the barn right now we still have money like hay and shoot it just like that over the line the star on the forehead, no Mercedes Ferguson a cool rhyme I let the hut ruin and chill at 20 km/h no one needs to tell me what to do when I comfortably do 20 rounds and now you look jealous this derf life this has sex I tell you 3 things you don't know, olfian schwodan flex because this is the lifestyle, we are hard, and stand there with the girl because the dice have fallen, now you have to pay
Des is mei derfi und i box da mei kraut und meine ruabm in die ohrn des is mei musi und i fotz da mein naum und daun an wurm in die ohrn bua du bist orm bua du bist orm, wei i bin tra traktorgängsta und mochst ma nu amoi scherarein, i suach di und gack da vors fenster und so is lebn im dorf, bei uns kletzlns de erpfin und hergodsvoda i hau mir auf d'brust und steh zu mein derfi wia gsogt de würfin san gfoin, jetzt lingan d'kortn am tisch und jetzt braucht kana mehr glaubn, des lebn im dorf is a fisch
This is my village and I box my cabbage and my beets into your ears this is my music and I fart my name and then a worm into your ears boy you are poor boy you are poor, because I am tra tractor gangster and if you make fun of me again, I'll find you and cackle in front of your window and that's life in the village, here the potatoes and the Lord's Father are climbing I put my hand on my chest and stand by my village as I said the dice have fallen, now the cards are on the table and now no one needs to believe anymore, life in the village is a fish

Авторы: Hoffelner Manuel, Ploechl Lukas, Cojocaru Florian, Kromar Martin

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