Tranda feat. Dj Old Skull - Toată lumea vrea - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Tranda feat. Dj Old Skull - Toată lumea vrea

Toată lumea vrea
Everybody Wants
Toata lumea vrea bani
Everybody wants money
Toata lumea vrea bani
Everybody wants money
Toata lumea vrea bani
Everybody wants money
Toata lumea vrea bani
Everybody wants money
Toata lumea vrea
Everybody wants
Frate, nu fi suparat
Bro, don't be upset
Nu esti primul care asteapta banii din copac
You're not the first to wait for money to grow on trees
Cu mentalitate "hai ca poate, poate"
With the mentality of "maybe, just maybe"
Dormi tu linistit, n-o sa pice peste noapte
You sleep peacefully, but it won't fall overnight
Si, cand te trezesti la realitate, o sa-mi dai dreptate
And when you wake up to reality, you'll agree with me
Munca-i cea mai tare dintre fapte
Work is the greatest of all deeds
Zici ca ai de-ajuns, dar, totusi, te plangi
You say you have enough, but still you complain
Strugurii sunt acrii atunci cand nu ajungi la ei
The grapes are sour when you can't reach them
Tre′ sa poti, nu doar sa vrei
You must be able, not just want
Primesti cat oferi, nu-i de azi, nu-i de ieri
You get what you give, it's not from today or yesterday
Gagica-ta il face pe altu' norocos
Your baby makes someone else lucky
Ca tineretea vine cu un cost
Because youth comes at a cost
Fiindca si aia vrea bani
Because she also wants money
Toata lumea vrea bani
Everybody wants money
Toata lumea vrea bani
Everybody wants money
Toata lumea vrea bani
Everybody wants money
Toata lumea vrea
Everybody wants
Frate, stai tu linistit
Bro, take it easy
Lumea s-a ′nvartit de doua ori cat ai dormit
The world has turned twice while you slept
La cat esti de relaxat, n-ai pierdut nimic
You haven't missed a thing, you're so relaxed
Treaba se-ntampla in timp ce ai vorbit
Things happen while you talk
Vorba lunga, saracia omului
Empty talk is a poor man's life
Il fte orice grija, dar mai putin a lui
He worries about everything, but himself
Poate ca asta e natiunea noastra
Maybe that's our nation
Daca e vreo problema, ne doare la basca
If there's a problem, it doesn't bother us
Si cred ca asta-i filmu', boala pe vecinu'
And I think that's the movie, jealousy
Cu tot cu struguri acrii, i-a iesit vinu′
In spite of the sour grapes, he made wine
Deci nu te mai vaita, daca stii ca esti prea lenes
So stop complaining if you know you're too lazy
Incheie-ti siretul, da din tenesi
Tie your shoelaces, lace up your sneakers
Daca vrei sa faci bani
If you want to make money
Toata lumea vrea bani
Everybody wants money
Toata lumea vrea bani
Everybody wants money
Toata lumea vrea bani
Everybody wants money
Toata lumea vrea bani
Everybody wants money
Toata lumea vrea
Everybody wants

Авторы: stefan damian, tranda

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