Tranda feat. Lori - Galaxii - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tranda feat. Lori - Galaxii

Genul meu de fata o stiu numai eu
Only I know my kind of girl
Nu e la TV, nici la radio
She's not on TV, not on the radio
Fiindca genul meu de fata n-o sa faca show
'Cause my type of girl won't put on a show
Genul meu de fata o sa intarzie din nou
My type of girl will be late again
Tu ajungi inaintea ei
You get there before her
Te faci varza si pleci la 3.00
You get upset and leave at 3:00
Genul tau il stiu deja
I already know your type
Astept pe-altcineva
I'm waiting for someone else
Fiindca seara e prea tare
Because the evening is too good
Toata lumea e bine, toti sunt in picioare
Everyone is happy, everyone's on their feet
Muzica e fina, da' inca am o stare
The music is fine, but I still have a feeling
Ca si cum ceva lipseste in continuare
Like something is still missing
Si nu-i de vara asta, nici aia trecuta
And it's not from this summer, or the one before
Cand cineva conteaza, nu se uita
When someone matters, they don't look away
Si nu e despre aia pe care ai pierdut-o
And it's not about the one you lost
E despre aia pe care n-ai avut-o
It's about the one you never had
Astept de ceva timp
I've been waiting for a while
Mai astept un pic
I'll wait a little longer
Sa spun ce simt
To say what I feel
Mi-as fi dorit sa fii aici
I wish you were here
Astept de ceva timp
I've been waiting for a while
Mai astept un pic
I'll wait a little longer
Sa fii aici
To be here
Sa fim mai mult decat amici
To be more than friends
Si inca suna ocupat
And it's still busy
Poate ai gasit pe cineva mai important
Maybe you've found someone more important
Fara notiuni, cu niste bani buni
Clueless, with some good money
Sa te scoata de pe aici cateva luni
To get you out of here for a few months
S-o ardeti exotic, ca niste nebuni
Burn it exotic, like crazy people
Sa-ti ia toale, intr-o zi, pentru saptamani
To take your clothes off, one day, for weeks
Si, pentru scenariul meu, facut in gand
And, for my scenario, made up in my mind
Barman, inca un rand
Bartender, one more round
Si-acum sunt atat de sincer
And now I'm so honest
Imi fac un cocktail cu stele de pe cer
I'm making myself a cocktail with stars from the sky
Fiindca sunt doar amintiri de ieri
Because they're just memories from yesterday
Si sper ca maine n-o sa mai fie la fel
And I hope tomorrow will be different
In timp ce traiesti cea mai proasta gluma
While you're living the worst joke
Te mesteca si te scuipa ca pe o guma
He chews you up and spits you out like gum
In fine, o sa iasa bine, cum o fi
Well, it'll turn out fine, somehow
Poate niciodata nu vei stii
Maybe you'll never know
Astept de ceva timp
I've been waiting for a while
Mai astept un pic
I'll wait a little longer
Sa spun ce simt
To say what I feel
Mi-as fi dorit sa fii aici
I wish you were here
Astept de ceva timp
I've been waiting for a while
Mai astept un pic
I'll wait a little longer
Sa fii aici
To be here
Sa fim mai mult decat amici
To be more than friends
Si, intr-o zi, in alte galaxii
And, one day, in other galaxies
Te voi vedea si-atunci vei stii
I will see you and then you will know
Mi-as fi dorit sa fii aici
I wish you were here
Astept o zi, care poate nu va veni
I'm waiting for a day that may never come
Ti-o spun de pe-acum, sa stii
I'm telling you now, so you know
N-o sa te-astept la nesfarsit
I won't wait forever
Si, intr-o zi, in alte galaxii
And, one day, in other galaxies
Te voi vedea si-atunci vei stii
I will see you and then you will know
Mi-as fi dorit sa fii aici
I wish you were here
Astept o zi, care poate nu va veni
I'm waiting for a day that may never come
Ti-o spun de pe-acum, sa stii
I'm telling you now, so you know
N-o sa te-astept la nesfarsit
I won't wait forever

Авторы: valentin câmpeanu, stefan damian, tranda

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