Tranda feat. Valentin Câmpeanu - Astronaut - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tranda feat. Valentin Câmpeanu - Astronaut

Scris de -9 October, 2015
Written by - October 9, 2015
Versurile melodiei "Astronaut", interpretata de Tranda si Valentin Campeanu
The lyrics of the song "Astronaut", interpreted by Tranda and Valentin Campeanu
Zbor mult, zbor sus
I fly high, I fly far
Si nu sunt astronaut
And I'm not an astronaut
Ca, uneori, asa ma simt, pe Pamant
But that's how I sometimes feel on Earth
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut
O sa aprind ceva
I'm gonna light something up
Si-o sa-mi placa, da
And I'll like it, yes
Vreau sa simt ceva
I want to feel something
Nu doar lipsa ta
Not just your absence
O sa fie greu
It'll be hard
Nimic nu-i usor
Nothing is easy
Sunt pe drumul meu
I'm on my way
Nu stiu cand cobor
I don't know when I'll come down
Seara incepe de-acum
The night is coming now
Fetele asteapta minuni
The girls are expecting miracles
Genul pe care le imbeti si le iei si le invarti
The kind you get drunk and take and spin around
Si le uiti, ca nu le mai suni
And forget, because you don't call them
Clubul e plin de minciuni
The club is full of lies
Fetele vor promisiuni
The girls want promises
Zi unde e dragostea, tipa-n ureche
Tell me where's the love, scream in her ear
Nu stiu, dar aici sunt droguri si bauturi
I don't know, but here there are drugs and drinks
Totu' se-nvarte prea mult
Everything is spinning too much
Nu te mai vad, dar te-aud
I don't see you anymore, but I hear you
Cand intra piesa si dansam aiurea
When the song comes on and we dance like fools
Pe vremea cand noi doi ne-am cunoscut
Back when we first met
Viata se joaca urat
Life is playing a cruel game
Nici nu stiu de ce rad
I don't even know why I'm laughing
Si cred ca mobilul vibreaza de mult
And I think my phone has been vibrating for a long time
Dar sunt prea defazat sa mai pot sa mai raspund
But I'm too dazed to answer
Zbor mult, zbor sus
I fly high, I fly far
Si nu sunt astronaut
And I'm not an astronaut
Ca, uneori, asa ma simt, pe Pamant
But that's how I sometimes feel on Earth
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut
Poate-i dubiul meu
Maybe it's my doubt
Zic in sinea mea
I say to myself
Poate am fost eu
Maybe it was me
Poate-i altceva
Maybe it's something else
O sa fii mereu
You will always be
In inima mea
In my heart
Sufla-mi un sarut
Blow me a kiss
Decolez deja
I'm taking off already
Telefonul e inchis
The phone is off
Ma gandesc ca poate mi-ai scris
I think you might have written to me
Dar pe urma imi revin si-mi zic
But then I come to my senses and say to myself
Shaule, delirezi fiindca asta nu-i un vis
Shaule, you're delirious because this is not a dream
Uita-te la tine si zi
Look at yourself and say
Cine dracu te-ar iubi
Who the hell would love you
Daca tie nu-ti pasa de tine
If you don't care about yourself
Oricine vine si pleaca te poate rani
Anyone who comes and goes can hurt you
Si ranile sunt vii
And the wounds are alive
Si se vor adanci
And they will get deeper
Chiar daca prietenii ar sti ce simti
Even if your friends knew how you felt
Nu te vor linisti
They wouldn't calm you down
Si esti de capul tau
And you're all alone
Si te doare atat de rau
And it hurts so much
Dar eu propun sa coboram
But I suggest we go down
Chiar daca tu-mi spui acum
Even if you tell me now
Ca vrei sa zbori mult
That you want to fly high
Zbor mult, zbor sus
I fly high, I fly far
Si nu sunt astronaut
And I'm not an astronaut
Ca, uneori, asa ma simt, pe Pamant
But that's how I sometimes feel on Earth
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut
Noaptea se lasa, e plin de lumini
The night is falling, it's full of lights
Toate danseaza prin amintiri
Everything dances through memories
Noaptea se lasa, e plin de lumini
The night is falling, it's full of lights
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut
Astronaut, astronaut

Авторы: stefan damian, tranda

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