Trench Mafia Locco feat. Laescobare - Nelegāli - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Trench Mafia Locco feat. Laescobare - Nelegāli

Poppojam mēs bieži - a pareiz' tas tak nelegāl'
We often smoke weed - yeah that's illegal
Dzīvojam mēs zaļi - ejam ielās mēdz būt krimināli
We live green - walking the streets can be criminal
Ejam tik uz priekšu - Uzticamies citiem minimāli
Let's move forward - We trust others minimally
Nerakstam mēs diskus - klausās visi digitāli
We don't write albums - everyone listens digitally
Tu jau zini brāl - smoukojam mēs tikai labu gāni
You know what, bro - we only smoke good weed
Nav man gucci,nav man prada un man nav balenciaga
I don't have gucci, I don't have prada and I don't have balenciaga
Toties man ir laba ģimene kuru saucu par bandu
But I have a good family who I call a gang
Drīzvien mēs jau iegūsim to par ko sapņo tava banda.
Soon we will get what your gang dreams of.
Izeju ārā - planēta marss
I go outside - planet Mars
Manā galvā pirmais pasaules karš
In my head the first world war yeah
Padod man cup'u - iesipot lean'u
Pass me the cup - pour in some lean
Nozust man gribas uz velvienu dieeeen'
I want to disappear for one more daaaay
Ya ay - velvienu dienu ya
Ya ay - one more day ya
Ya padod man vienu ya
Ya pass me one ya
Tu tagad straglo - dzer kafiju bez piena
You're struggling now - drinking coffee without milk
Atļaujos pīpēt es dūmu ikdienu
I allow myself to smoke weed every day
Ū ū - čillojam mēs in da hood
Oh yeah oh yeah - we chill in the hood yeah
Nepisies ar bandu neesam neviens blood ya.
Don't mess with the gang none of us blood ya.
Esam 300 gang vieno visus šitas mood
We are 300 gang uniting everyone with this mood
Šito visu tagad daru esot vienkārši zem sūda
I'm doing all this now feeling like crap
Bet es jūtos ļoti good - tādēļ neatļaušu konkurentiem pirmajiem te būt, ya, bang
But I feel very good - so I won't let the competition be the first to be here, ya, bang
Un šautauts burlakam no hood - manās acīs viņš ir kļuvis par ļoti labu dude
And a shootout for a bachelor from the hood - in my eyes he's become a very good dude
Tas ko viņi dara huh tas ira nelegāli
What they're doing huh that's illegal
Piedo bet man zvana huh tas ira nelegāli
Sorry but they're calling me huh that's illegal
Mamma saka huuh dēls tas ira nelegāli
Mom says huuh son that's illegal
Mamma saka huuh dēls tas ira nelegāli
Mom says huuh son that's illegal
Uuuja uuja huh tas ir nelegāli
Uuuja uuja huh that's illegal
Darīt šito sūdu, tas ira nelegāli
Doing this shit, that's illegal
Šovakar mēs ceļam, kājām gaisā visu hoodu
Tonight we're raising, the whole hood in the air
Lai tur būtu, tas ira nelegāli
Whatever, that's illegal
Tas ir labi, man ir savi plagi
That's ok, I've got my own spots
Menti prasa kas tie ir neatceros sorry Lagi
The cops ask what they are I don't remember sorry Lagi
Uuu, jaa, un man vienalga ko tu saki
Uuu, yeah, and I don't care what you say
Ja tu esi pret mums esi gatavs būs smagi
If you are against us be prepared to be heavy
Viņi saka lai es beidzu šito darīt saka stop
They tell me to stop doing this they say stop
Viņi saka locco beidz ja nebeigsi būs žop
They say locco stop if you don't stop there will be a problem
Vakar mugurā bij gucci, šodien mugurā man cropp
Yesterday I was wearing gucci, today I'm wearing cropp
Tev ir smukas zilas kedas, huuh taisām Gop stop
You have nice blue sneakers, huuh we're doing Gop stop
Man ir ģimene, man ir sava banda huh
I have a family, I have my own gang huh
Mans mīļākais dzēriens tas ir Fanta huh
My favorite drink is Fanta huh
In yan, meln balts ta panda huh
In yan, black and white like a panda huh
Pisam coco mēs ar locco ir mantra huh
We smash coco with locco it's a mantra huh
Tas ko viņi dara huh tas ira nelegāli
What they're doing huh that's illegal
Piedo bet man zvana huh tas ira nelegāli
Sorry but they're calling me huh that's illegal
Mamma saka huuh dēls tas ira nelegāli
Mom says huuh son that's illegal
Mamma saka huuh dēls tas ira nelegāli
Mom says huuh son that's illegal
Uuujaaa uu tas ir nelegāli
Uuujaaa uu that's illegal
Darīt šito sūdu, tas ira nelegāli
Doing this shit, that's illegal
Šovakar mēs ceļam, kājām gaisā visu hoodu
Tonight we're raising, the whole hood in the air
Lai tur būtu, tas ira nelegāli
Whatever, that's illegal

Авторы: Juris Santana

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