Trench Mafia Locco - Pret Musar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Trench Mafia Locco - Pret Musar

Pret Musar
Pret Musar
Mēs jau braucam uz Valmieru
We're already driving to Valmiera
Tāpēc tinu es vēl vienu
That's why I'm rolling another one
Tikko tik es piezemējos, musari klāt, nav miera
As soon as I landed, the fuzz were there, no peace
Izrādīsi necieņu, tu dabūsi bla sejā
Show me disrespect, and you'll get it right in the kisser
Locco ira augšā visas kuces ira lejā
Locco is on top, all my bitches are down
Neiekrāju valūtu, es visu laižu vējā
I don't save money, I blow it all in the wind
Sienas peld, ko tu iebēri man tējā
The walls are swimming, what did you put in my tea
Tu esi fakin čorts, es pret musar
You're a fucking dick, I'm anti-cop
Priekš manīm tas ir sports, es pret musar
For me it's a sport, I'm anti-cop
Kad man bija 16, jau tad es biju g
When I was 16, I was already a g
Pārdevu pa 10 maksāju vienu pa g
I sold for 10 and paid one for the g
Menti man uz peņa izvairos bruce lee
I avoid the cops like Bruce Lee
Pacans un ar stāžu, rakstīts manā CV
Young and experienced, it says on my CV
Esu parasts pui-ka, tu mani dzird
I'm just a regular guy, you hear me
Neiesim pie viņiem viņu tusā baigi smird
We're not going to their party, it stinks
Nevaig jūsu huiņu man jau sen jau viss ir
I don't need your shit, I've got everything already
Turi muti ciet, dabūsi tu pizdi
Shut your mouth or you'll get hit
Ja nav bijis rubaks huļi kas bļe pa disen
If there wasn't a fucking bang, what the hell was that noise
Noķeršu es tevi kamēr nesīsi tu misen
I'll catch you carrying that shit
Teicu laikam tev tagad vēlreiz saku visiem
I told you before, I'll tell you again, everyone
Kāpsi man uz kājām mēs tev pāri nodarīsim
Step on my toes and we'll run you over
Mēs jau braucam uz Valmieru
We're already driving to Valmiera
Tāpēc tinu es vēl vienu
That's why I'm rolling another one
Tikko tik es piezemējos, musari klāt, nav miera
As soon as I landed, the fuzz were there, no peace
Izrādīsi necieņu, tu dabūsi bla sejā
Show me disrespect, and you'll get it right in the kisser
Locco ira augšā visas kuces ira lejā
Locco is on top, all my bitches are down
Neiekrāju valūtu, es visu laižu vējā
I don't save money, I blow it all in the wind
Sienas peld, ko tu iebēri man tējā
The walls are swimming, what did you put in my tea
Tu esi fakin čorts, es pret musar
You're a fucking dick, I'm anti-cop
Priekš manīm tas ir sports, es pret musar
For me it's a sport, I'm anti-cop
Menti mani mīl, katru dienu man uz daikta
The cops love me, they're always on my dick
Braucu es uz iecirkni tie autogrāfu gaida
I drive to the station, they wait for my autograph
Nebraukšu es tagad, sorry, vispār nava laika
I'm not going now, sorry, I don't have time
Locco tev pizda ha, locco tikai smaida
Locco, you're fucked, Locco's just smiling
Huļi tev vaig, huļi uzvedies šļuha
What's wrong with you, why are you acting like a slut
Ievelc labāk šito atvičaju Rasslabuha
Better take a hit of this, let's relax
Pa labi man timas, un pa kreisi man iljuha
My guys are on my right, my bitches are on my left
Mutē man ir kās, blakus kuce, viņa smuka
I got a joint in my mouth, a pretty bitch next to me
Viņi saka to ka esu slims un jāiet strādāt
They say I'm sick and I should get a job
Kad es esmu skaidrā tad es neesmu savā ādā
When I'm sober, I'm not myself
Ticiet man jums labāk nezināt kas manā prātā
Believe me, you don't want to know what's on my mind
Nepis manu garīgo vēl iepisišu kādam
Don't mess with my spirit, or I'll piss someone off
Mēs jau braucam uz Valmieru
We're already driving to Valmiera
Tāpēc tinu es vēl vienu
That's why I'm rolling another one
Tikko tik es piezemējos, musari klāt, nav miera
As soon as I landed, the fuzz were there, no peace
Izrādīsi necieņu, tu dabūsi bla sejā
Show me disrespect, and you'll get it right in the kisser
Locco ira augšā visas kuces ira lejā
Locco is on top, all my bitches are down
Neiekrāju valūtu, es visu laižu vējā
I don't save money, I blow it all in the wind
Sienas peld, ko tu iebēri man tējā
The walls are swimming, what did you put in my tea
Tu esi fakin čorts, es pret musar
You're a fucking dick, I'm anti-cop
Priekš manīm tas ir sports, es pret musar
For me it's a sport, I'm anti-cop

Авторы: Juris Santana

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