Trench Mafia Locco - Tavā Pežā - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Trench Mafia Locco - Tavā Pežā

Tavā Pežā
Your Peugeot
Eyoo tu Mazā peža
Hey you, my little Peugeot
Tu jau zini, varam arī bez preža
You already know, we can also without a condom
Varam šeit, varam mežā
We can do it here, we can do it in the woods
Gribu sākt es šeit gribu beigt Tavā pežā
I want to start here and I want to finish in your Peugeot
Tavā pežā, Tavā pežā
In your Peugeot, in your Peugeot
Tavā pežā Tavā pežā
In your Peugeot, in your Peugeot
Tavā pežā Tavā pežā
In your Peugeot, in your Peugeot
Vakar biju pālī, bet jau šodien esu skaidrā
Yesterday I was drunk, but today I am sober
Vakar bijām 3 šodien esam daudz vairāk
Yesterday we were 3, today we are many more
Savējie ar mani visi velli varat staigāt
I'm with my people and you can all go to hell
Vecīt tev ir dūms značit esi tieši laikā
Bro, you have smoke, so you're right on time
Laikam, laikam jābeidz ira dzert
I guess, I guess I have to stop drinking
Laikam, laikam jābeidz ira mērc
I guess, I guess I have to stop fuking
Ņihuja, tas nav vērts
No way, it's not worth it
Ņihuja, vēl nekas nav pieredzēts
No way, there is still nothing experienced
Tu man Lej, man ir pohuj kādas sekas
You pour me a drink, I don't care what the consequences are
Gribu tevi, ja, es gribu sekas
I want you, yeah, I want consequences
Tu jau zini, visa huiņa sākās
You already know how it all started
Tāpēc arī tikai tu, uz mana pimpja lēkāsi
That's why you're the only one who jumps on my dick
Ejam mēs ciemos, gandrīz visi
Let's go home, almost all of us
Dodu komandu es savējam, viņš ir a bisi
I give the order to my man, he has a gun
Bija iespēja appist, bet neappisi
I had the chance to shoot you, but I didn't
Kur var kāpt tik zemu, vēl zemāk krist
How low can you go, how much lower can you fall
Kurīju es sūdu, un ar mani kopā denchiks
I smoke weed, and my friend smokes with me
Kurīju es sūdu, tev paliek tikai benchiks
I smoke weed, you just get high
Tresī visa Latvija tresī visi strenchi
All of Latvia is shaking, all the gangsters are shaking
Tresī Tava učene tresī tavi senči
Your schoolgirl is shaking, your parents are shaking
Pidaram mentam vienīgajam laikam besī
I guess only the asshole cop is pissed off
Tavējā mutere uz mana pimpa tresī
Your mother is shaking on my dick
Paga tikai mieru paga savācies vecīt
Just calm down, take it easy, man
Huļi tu bez formas vairāk neesi suka lecīgs
What are you without your uniform, you're not a bully anymore
Laikam jābeidz ira uz labas notis
I guess we should end on a good note
Visiem heiteriem, man pietiks lodes
I have enough bullets for all the haters
Un tici man, tevi neizglābs potes
And believe me, no shots won't save you
Neizglābs vasja, neizglābs modris
Vasya won't save you, Modris won't save you
Eyoo tu Mazā peža
Hey you, my little Peugeot
Tu jau zini, varam arī bez preža
You already know, we can also without a condom
Varam šeit, varam mežā
We can do it here, we can do it in the woods
Gribu sākt es šeit gribu beigt Tavā pežā
I want to start here and I want to finish in your Peugeot
Tavā pežā, Tavā pežā
In your Peugeot, in your Peugeot
Tavā pežā Tavā pežā
In your Peugeot, in your Peugeot
Tavā pežā Tavā pežā
In your Peugeot, in your Peugeot

Авторы: Juris Santana

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