Trench Mafia Locco - Trench Mafia Visu Dienu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Trench Mafia Locco - Trench Mafia Visu Dienu

Trench Mafia Visu Dienu
Trench Mafia Visu Dienu
Padod kāsi man tādu lielu
Give me your hand so broad
Traku pataisam miera ielu
We'll turn these peaceful streets into a madhouse
Kopā sataisam mēs to vielu
Together we'll cook up that potion
Trench mafia visu dienu
Trench mafia all day long
Šovakar man nebija plāni
I didn't have any plans tonight
Nemeklēju problēmas viņas atrada mani
I wasn't looking for trouble, it found me
Dabūju pa ribu bet nu suka tu ari
I got hit, but you got it too, sucker
Mēramies ar krāniem jums īsi mums gari
Measure your dick, yours is short, ours is long
Nahujam jūs taču atnācāt abi
The fuck did you two come here for anyway?
Bet tavai kucei gribas ar mani
But your bitch wants to be with me
Manā galvā tikai nauda, zaļais, šmiga un stabi
My mind is filled with money, weed, blow and ecstasy
Man ir dziļi dziļi piedrāzt jo man ira labi
I'm high as a kite, I'm feeling great
Tagad skrien, lec, dejo vec
Now run, jump, dance, man
Buksē uz vietas un zvejo vec
Flop around and fish, man
Zini man liekas tev nedalec
I think you're not getting very far
Tava mīļākā krāsa ir gejolets
Your favorite color is gay
Es savējos heiterus nahuj sūtu(smooth)
I tell my haters to fuck off(smooth)
Daru lai smird un daru lai jūt
I do it so it stinks and I do it so you can feel it
Es daru to lietu kas tev ir pa grūtu
I do the things that are too hard for you
Nedzirdu ko tu saki, dzirdu pūt
I can't hear what you're saying, I can only hear you sucking
Padod kāsi man tādu lielu
Give me your hand so broad
Traku pataisam miera ielu
We'll turn these peaceful streets into a madhouse
Kopā sataisam mēs to vielu
Together we'll cook up that potion
Trench mafia visu dienu
Trench mafia all day long
Paga paga, patinam lenti
Whoa, whoa, hold on, rewind
Pa kuru laiku te parādās menti
Since when did the cops show up here?
Atkal jau LOCCO ir jāspēlē bendi
LOCCO has to play bendi again
Nebiedē mūs tavējie kenti
Don't try to scare us with your cop buddies
Yo bro, tu tak esi krasava
Yo bro, you're so handsome
Man ir. Pohuj, es saku šitā mūsējā sala
I don't care, I say this is our island
Ja tu neskrien pēc naudas tad paejiet malā
If you're not chasing money, get out of the way
Man traucē tava jebala
Your chatter is annoying me
100 grami no maziņā poda
100 grams from a tiny pot
Pus grams, un viņa jau dod
Half a gram, and she's already giving it up
Viņi sūc manu enerģiju gluži odi
They suck my energy like mosquitoes
Līdz galam mani nesaprot
They don't understand me at all
Man ir pohuj trenēju heķi
I don't care, I'm training my dick
Mani zin un dzird visi teķi
Everybody knows me and hears me
Esu vecis un ēdu speķi
I'm a man and I eat bacon
No rīta brokastīs ēdu bleķi
For breakfast, I eat a can of tuna
Padod kāsi man tādu lielu
Give me your hand so broad
Traku pataisam miera ielu
We'll turn these peaceful streets into a madhouse
Kopā sataisam mēs to vielu
Together we'll cook up that potion
Trench mafia visu dienu
Trench mafia all day long

Авторы: Trench Mafia Locco

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