Trench Mafia Locco - Čau Visiem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Trench Mafia Locco - Čau Visiem

Čau Visiem
Hey Everyone
Jūs ira velli, bēgat kamēr nav pa vēl
You're the devil, run while it's not too late
Sorry bet man nava žēl
Sorry, but I don't feel sorry for you
Viņi tik ļoti grib lai es beidzu viņiem ir bail no manējā tēla
They want me to stop so badly, they're afraid of my image
Sauc savu tēvu, sauc savu dēlu
Call your father, call your son
Abi ir heiteri, abi ir gļēvi
Both are haters, both are cowards
Jūs ira daudz bet jūs ira mājdzīvnieki, mēs esam savvaļas zvēri
You're many, but you're pets, we're wild beasts
Esam mēs klāt un varam mēs sākt
We're here and we can start
Sitīšu tur kur vairāk jums sāp
I'll hit where it hurts the most
Man ira aims, vienmēr es trāpu
I have the aim, I always hit the mark
Man ir wh, no sienam es nāku
I'm from the wall
Tu esi kopā ar tiem kas nav īsti
You're with those who aren't real
Tapec nekad mani nesapratīsi
That's why you'll never understand me
Runāju skaidri runāju īsi
I speak clearly, I speak briefly
Huļi tu rausties huļi tu mīz
What the fuck are you rambling about, what are you whining about?
Nevarat apturēt man nava bremžu
You can't stop me, I have no brakes
Jūs pārāk lēni, smirdīgie penši
You're too slow, you stinky losers
Visur kur eju, virsū man blenž
Everywhere I go, they stare at me
Mani sauc locco, nevis pa trench
My name is Locco, not Trench
Manējā banda pret visu valsti
My gang against the whole country
Velkam mēs broņiku, pat ja ir karsti
We wear armor, even when it's hot
Ko mēs vel daram, ā, mēs izrakstam recepti uz xanax bļe ārsti
What else do we do? Oh, we write prescriptions for Xanax like doctors
Pa 200 eiro sanāktu 500, dubultot naļiku tas man ir iedzimts
500 for 200 euros, doubling the dose, it's in my genes
Es biju miris, no jauna es piedzimis
I was dead, I was reborn
Savējām učenēm lieku es piezīmes
I give notes to my students
Sportoju tā, ka nākamā dienā ir grūti
I work out so hard that it's difficult the next day
Atceros vakar tu pūti
I remember yesterday you were blowing
Nevaru saprast tevi tu svaidies ar vārdiem savējos nahuj ble sūti
I can't understand you, you're throwing words around, send yours to hell
Locco ir 300 gadus ble vecs
Locco is 300 years old
Tāpat par jums visiem augstāk es lec
I still jump higher than all of you
Tavējā kuce raud man uz pleca
Your bitch is crying on my shoulder
Viņa man saka lai es viņu prec
She's telling me to marry her
Uz priekšu es ies, uz atpakaļ neatskaties
I'll go forward, I won't look back
Nekad vecit neatkāpies
Never give up, old man
Viņi par mani ble runā aiz muguras, netici viņiem, tas nava tiesa
They talk about me behind my back, don't believe them, it's not true
Eju pēc naudas, visi paiet malā
I'm going for the money, everyone move aside
Laikam sen nav bijis lietus, sauss ir mūsu galā
It's been too long since it rained, our area is dry
Huļi rausties ta čoma dīzelis salā
What the fuck are you talking about, like diesel fuel in a freezer?
Esam viens divi trīssimt visi savā barā
We're three hundred, one, two, in our pack
Ta partizāni karā
Like partisans at war
Huļi komentāros dirs, bet uz ielas paej garām
They talk shit in the comments, but they pass me by on the street
Es nedošu tev pat uz parād
I won't show you even for a loan
Ja tu esi for real nu davaj ble lūdzu parād
If you're for real, then come on, let's see

Авторы: Juris Santana

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