Tri Yann - An Tourter - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tri Yann - An Tourter

An Tourter
Benveg an diaoul, ô petra 'rez?
Accursed devil, what art thou?
Dizah 'r bleuz, diskar ar gwéz!
Casting a blight, felling the trees!
Freuza 'r park, karga an hent!i
Ravaging the field, blocking the road!
Diskolpa 'r menez gand da zent!
Desecrating the mountain with your curse!
Mahagna 'rez ar parkeier
Destroying the groves and the hedgerows
An drevajou, ar hoajeier
Frightening the animals and the birds
Frigasa 'rez yeot ar 'foenneg
Freezing the water in the springs
Ha diskolpa brug al lanneg
And cursing the heather on the moor
'Vel eun taro dall pennfollet
Like a blind, crazed bull
E tourter kriz 'vel dirrolet
The reaper rages like a madman
Eun druez eo flastra glazur!
A cruel creature that destroys nature!
Ober labour ken dinatur!
Doing work that is unnatural!
Ouz da zilehr ne jom nemed
In your wake, you leave only
Gwez toull-govet, glazvez breset.
Hollow trees and broken branches.
Eur brén-douar ne rafe két
Not a single blade of grass
Gwasoh dismantr e leh e-bed
Can withstand your deadly embrace
Da storlokou, pell, a drégern
Your teeth, sharp and cold, gleam
Muioh eged eun trouz ivern
Like the icicles of winter
Da harvanou a zo euzuz
Your voice is a mournful dirge
Ha da êzenn a zo fleuriuz
And your smell is the stench of death
Piou an diaoul e-neus ijinet
Who the devil invented
Eur seurt benveg ken milliget?
Such a cursed device?
A laz, a sko 'vel eun treitour
It kills and maims like a traitor
A ra d'an dén chom dilabour.
And leaves men jobless
Benveg ganet 'kreiz ar brezel
A tool born in the midst of war
Tres an ivern war beb ezel
To torture the limbs in winter
Ganit e klever c'hwéz ar poultr.
Created to the sound of gunfire.
Kerz kuit da strakal gand ar foultr
Go away and play with the dirt

Авторы: Bernard Baudriller, Visant Seite

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