Tribo De Jah - Irie Dub Feeling (Ao Vivo) - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст и перевод песни Tribo De Jah - Irie Dub Feeling (Ao Vivo)

O Reggae como um rio
Регги, как река
Fundo na minha alma
Глубоко в моей душе
Correndo nas veis
Бегают на мейл
Denso e macio
Плотный и мягкий
Uma corrente quente e calma
В горячий поток и спокойно
Eu quero sentir o som
Я просто хочу, чтобы чувствовать звук
Sentir a vibração
Чувствовать вибрацию
O ritimo é tão bom
В ritimo так хорошо
Não batida do coração
Не биение сердца
Me chama Monar
Называет меня Monar
Bons fluídos no ar
Хорошие жидкости в воздухе
Sentimento de amor e devoção
Чувство любви и преданности
Sentimento "away" de muita emoção
Чувство "away" слишком много эмоций
Amor e devoção
Любовь и преданность
Irie feelings e muita emoção
Irie чувства и много эмоций
Reggae music flows, the music flows
Reggae music потоки, the music потоки
Deep in my soul
Deep in my soul
Like the river flows, the river flows
Like the river потоки, the river потоки
Walk in my veins
Walk in my veins
Just want to catch the vibe
Just want to catch the vibe
Just want to feel alright
Just want to feel alright
The rhythm seems so nice
The rhythm seems so nice
It's just a strength in my life
It's just a strength in my life
I say ride on
I say ride on
Ride on, ride on, I say, ride on
Ride on, ride on, I say, ride on
Ride on, ride on
Ride on, ride on
It means love, love and devotion
It means love, love and devotion
Irie, irie feeling and emotion
Irie, irie feeling and emotion
Love, love and devotion
Love, Love and devotion
Irie, irie feeling and emotion
Irie, irie feeling and emotion
Deepness in love
Deepness in love
Deepness in love
Deepness in love
Eu vou dizer pra vocês
Я скажу вам,
O que o reggae realmente significa para mim
Что регги действительно значит для меня
Assim como a luz do sol brilha com igualdade
Так же, как свет солнца светит в равной степени
O reggae quer dizer unidade
Регги хотите сказать, единицы
Redenção para o povo de Jah
Искупление для народа Джа
Redenção ou liberdade
Выкупа или свободы
Quer dizer: graças e louvores ao mais alto
Хотите сказать: благодарение и хвалу громче
Irie feelings, é muita emoção
Irie чувства, много эмоций
I say
I say
Ride on, ride on, ride on
Ride on ride on ride on
Ride on, ride on, ride on
Ride on ride on ride on
It means love, love and devotion
It means love, love and devotion
Irie, Irie feeling and emotion (love), love and devotion
Irie, Irie feeling and emotion (love), love and devotion
Irie, Irie feeling and emotion (love), love and devotion
Irie, Irie feeling and emotion (love), love and devotion
Irie, Irie feeling and emotion (love), love and devotion
Irie, Irie feeling and emotion (love), love and devotion
Irie, irie feeling and emotion, it means love love, it means love
Irie, irie feeling and emotion, it means love love, it means love

Авторы: Fauzi Beydoun

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