Trini Lopez - Adelita - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Trini Lopez - Adelita

En lo alto de una abrupta serranía
On top of a rugged mountain range
Acampado se encontraba un regimiento
A regiment was camped
Y una novia que valiente lo seguía
And a girlfriend who bravely followed him
Locamiente enamorada del sargento
Madly in love with the sergeant
Popular entre la tropa era Adelita
Adelita was popular with the troops
La mujer que el sagento idolatraba
The woman the sergeant idolized
Y además de ser valiente era bonita
And besides being brave, she was beautiful
Y hasta mismo es coronel la respetaba
And even the colonel respected her
Y se oía... Que decía...
And it was heard... That he was saying...
Aquél que tanto la quería...
He who loved her so much...
Que si Adelita se fuera con otro
That if Adelita went away with another
La seguiría por tierra y por mar
He would follow her by land and sea
Si por mar, en un buque de guerra
If by sea, on a warship
Si por tierra en un tren militar
If by land, on a military train
Si Adelita quisiera ser mi novia
If Adelita would be my girlfriend
Y si Adelita fuera mi mujer
And if Adelita were my wife
Le compraría um vestido de seda
I would buy her a silk dress
Para llevarla a bailar al quartel
To take her dancing at the barracks
Uma noche que la escolta regressaba
One night as the escort returned
Conduciendo entre sus filas al sargento
Leading the sergeant among their ranks
Por la voz de una mujer que sollozaba
By the voice of a woman who was sobbing
La plegaria se escucho en el acampamiento
The prayer was heard in the camp
Y se oía... Que decía...
And it was heard... That he was saying...
Aquél que tanto la quería...
He who loved her so much...
Y si Adelita se fuera con otro
And if Adelita went away with another
La seguiría por tierra y por mar
He would follow her by land and sea
Se por mar, en un buque de guerra
If by sea, on a warship
Se por tierra, en un tren militar
If by land, on a military train
Y si acaso yo muero en campaña
And if I happen to die in battle
Y mi cadaver no van a sepultar
And my body is not buried
Adelita, por Dios, te lo ruego
Adelita, for God's sake, I beg you
Que con tus gios me vengas a llorar
Come to mourn me with your tears

Авторы: Isidro Lopez

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