Trinidad - Sabía Usted / Hay Que Tener Cuidado / Si Existe Otra Mujer - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Trinidad - Sabía Usted / Hay Que Tener Cuidado / Si Existe Otra Mujer

Sabía Usted / Hay Que Tener Cuidado / Si Existe Otra Mujer
You Knew / You Must Be Careful / If There Is Another Woman
Sabía usted que mujer tenía un amante a escondidas,
You knew my wife had a hidden lover,
Sabía usted que los dos en cama se reían.
You knew they laughed together in my bed.
Sabía usted que delante de los chicos se besaban,
You knew that they kissed in front of the children,
Y que ya nada de vida le importaba.
And that she didn't care about anything in my life anymore.
Sabía usted que yo le di hasta apellido, la quería,
You knew that I had given her my last name, that I loved her,
Sabía usted que era sueño de mujer, fantasía.
You knew that she was my dream woman, my fantasy.
Si supo usted y no contó que me mentía,
If you knew and didn't say she was lying to me,
Si supo usted y lo calló hoy no es amiga...
If you knew and you kept it quiet, you are not a friend today...
Cuidado, hay que tener cuidado,
Careful, you have to be careful,
Anda en las calles dicen que armado.
He walks the streets, they say he's armed.
Armado de besos y ganas de una mujer para la cama.
Armed with kisses and desire for a woman to take to bed.
Cuidado, hay que tener cuidado,
Careful, you have to be careful,
Viene la noche como has soñado.
Night comes as you have dreamed.
Cuidado que trae sorpresas, dicen que atrapa siempre a su presa.
Careful, that he brings surprises, they say he always catches his prey.
Él solo busca divertirse para olvidar sus noches triztes,
He just looks for fun to forget his sorry nights,
Él solo atrapa y al robar busca el amor que ya no existe.
He just traps and while stealing looks for the love that no longer exists.
Cuidado, hay que tener cuidado...
Careful, you have to be careful...
Revisas ropa buscando un papel,
You go through my clothes looking for a piece of paper,
Un raro perfume que no conoces.
A strange perfume that you don't know.
Revisas si tiene algún rasguño piel,
You check my skin for a scratch,
Un beso marcado de otra mujer.
A kiss mark from another woman.
quieres saber si existe otra mujer,
You want to know if there is another woman,
Otra que solo una hora me hace feliz.
Another one who makes me happy for just an hour.
Si existe otra mujer,
If there is another woman,
Otra que sin darme cuenta he empezado a querer.
Another one that I have started to love without realizing it.
Si existe otra mujer,
If there is another woman,
Otra que solo le importa que me valla bien.
Another one who only cares that I am well off.
Si existe otra mujer,
If there is another woman,
Otra que solo es amante,
Another one who is only my lover,
A la que veo distante a escondidas no más.
Who I can only see in the distance, and never meet.

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