Five Trolls refuse to grow old without their fodder
Hoder legges i bløtt
Heads are soaked
Der Jegermeister, er kannt nicht stehen still
Where Jägermeister can't stand still
Undt Grublegjøken har stått nok i ro
And the brooding cuckoo has been standing still too long
Det tredje Troll ist Gegalte Gnagsår
The third Troll is a Walking Sore
Undt fjerde Troll ist das urtroll Brakebein
And the fourth Troll is the troll Brakebein
Jeg har det, sa Karve
I have it, said Karve
Vi reiser fra skogen
We leave the forest
Vi henter kjøttslentrer
We'll gather meat cuts
Og nok mat til flere fat
And enough food for more dishes
Fire mot en er dårlig odds å ha
Four against one are bad odds
Aber Karve ist richtig i hodet
But Karve is right in the head
Der Jegermeister, er kannt nicht stehen still
Where Jägermeister can't stand still
Undt Grublegjøken har stått nok i ro
And the brooding cuckoo has been standing still too long
Det tredje Troll ist Gegalte Gnagsår
The third Troll is a Walking Sore
Undt fjerde Troll ist das urtroll Brakebein
And the fourth Troll is the troll Brakebein
Jeg har det, sa Karve
I have it, said Karve
Vi reiser fra skogen
We leave the forest
Vi henter kjøttslentrer
We'll gather meat cuts
Og nok mat til flere fat
And enough food for more dishes
Karve, die sjølsagt erklærte leder für dieses bande mit skrukketroll, hatte keine vanskligheter zu resten overbevisen das dieses genialiches plan ist das retteste kurs für undt oppnå die geileste suksess!
Karve, who is of course the self-proclaimed leader of this band of misshapen trolls, had no difficulty convincing the rest that this ingenious plan was the right course to take in order to achieve the greatest success!
Jeg har det (han sa det igjen), sa Karve (det femte med lem)
I have it (he said it again), said Karve (the fifth with a limb)
Vi reiser (nå skjer det igjen), fra skogen (mot østen)
We leave (now it's happening again), the forest (to the east)
Vi henter (mens resten venter) kjøttslentrer (fra kristen kropp)
We'll gather (while the rest waits) meat cuts (from a Christian body)
Og nok mat (med nok vin) til flere fat (JAAAAA!!!)
And enough food (with enough wine) for more dishes (YES!!!)!
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