Trvxzen - Direct din abis (feat. Rakova) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Trvxzen - Direct din abis (feat. Rakova)

Direct din abis (feat. Rakova)
Straight from the Abyss (feat. Rakova)
Titanii in 4, viitorul e acum
Titans in 4, the future is now
Aud voci ce-mi spun ca o sa am un bun drum
I hear voices telling me I'm going to have a good journey
Trandafirii deceptiei direct din abis
Roses of deception straight from the abyss
Viata nu-i o lectie, vreau in paradis, vreau in paradis
Life is not a lesson, I want to be in paradise, I want to be in paradise
Intreba-ma orice, raspund ca sunt oracol
Ask me anything, I answer like an oracle
Minunile la mine se numesc miracol
Miracles to me are called miracles
N-o sa ma impiedic de niciun obstacol
I won't stumble over any obstacles
Dau tone de rime de parca-i un viscol
I give out tons of rhymes like a blizzard
Am 20 de ani si viitoru' imi sta in fata
I'm 20 years old and the future is ahead of me
O sa dau pe beaturi pana mi se face greata
I'm going to beat on beats until I get sick
Nu conteaza daca e noapte sau dimineata
It doesn't matter if it's night or morning
Dau foc pe beat de parca alunec prin gheata
I fire up the beat as if I'm sliding through ice
Direct din abis, scriu, sper ca ma-ntelegi
Straight out of the abyss, I write, I hope you understand
T-34, MC john, Glock, stii ce se petrece
T-34, MC John, Glock, you know what's going on
A apus soarele, ma intorc in Texas
The sun has set, I'm heading back to Texas
Pana cand voi lasa pamantul
Until I leave Earth
Sunt alien, desertu' din Las Vegas
I'm an alien, the Las Vegas desert
Titanii in 4, viitorul e acum
Titans in 4, the future is now
Aud voci ce-mi spun ca o sa am un bun drum
I hear voices telling me I'm going to have a good journey
Trandafirii deceptiei direct din abis
Roses of deception straight from the abyss
Viata nu-i o lectie, vreau in paradis, vreau in paradis
Life is not a lesson, I want to be in paradise, I want to be in paradise
Nu da doi, lirica mai turbata
Don't give a damn, lyrics are even crazier
Este acum ori niciodata
It's now or never
Cand dau rime se crapa asfaltu'
When I rhyme, the asphalt cracks
Doi 1 dintre noi, unu' altu'
Two of us, one another
Rau model pana o sa mor
Bad role model until I die
Eu print si tu cersetor
I'm a prince and you're a beggar
Oricand o dau o dau fara mila
I'm merciless whenever I do it
Is psihopat, adu-mi o pastila
I'm a psychopath, bring me a pill
Zile si nopti pierdute la scris
Days and nights lost in writing
Crezi in dumnezeu, hai in abis
You believe in God, come into the abyss
Ma pis pe viata dar si pe moarte
I piss on life but also on death
Stai aproape sau mars departe
Stay close or get away
Nu mai zice sa ma las
Don't tell me to stop
Ca o sa-ti fac parastas
Because I will give you a funeral
Nu mai zice sa ma las
Don't tell me to stop
Ca o sa-ti fac parastas
Because I will give you a funeral
La alt nivel, scriu fara reguli
On another level, I write without rules
Te fac sa crezi ca gresesti totul
I make you think you're wrong about everything
Ura e gratis, n-are pret
Hate is free, it has no price
Eu ma gandesc doar la comert
I only think about business
Am cazut de pe nori in palme
I fell from the clouds into palms
Sufletu' din mine trage inca
The soul in me still breathes
Nu stiu cat mai poate, trage trage baga mare pana
I don't know how much longer it can, pull, pull, pull hard until
O sa mai decad, auzi sunetu' de bombe
I will decay, hear the sound of bombs
In catacombe, fac trap
In catacombs, I do trap
Sfulgera peste mine in serpentine
Lightning bolts across me in serpentines
Am o arma in mana, nu stiu cine o detine
I have a gun in my hand, I don't know who owns it
Poate demonu' din mine,
Maybe the demon in me,
Cazut in intuneric, fac ravagii
Fallen into darkness, I wreak havoc
Pana adorm cu acest sunet luciferic
Until I fall asleep with this Luciferian sound
Titanii in 4, viitorul e acum
Titans in 4, the future is now
Aud voci ce-mi spun ca o sa am un bun drum
I hear voices telling me I'm going to have a good journey
Trandafirii deceptiei direct din abis
Roses of deception straight from the abyss
Viata nu-i o lectie, vreau in paradis, vreau in paradis
Life is not a lesson, I want to be in paradise, I want to be in paradise

Авторы: Cosmin Andrei Mihalache

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