Tuan Tigabelas - Buta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tuan Tigabelas - Buta

Akan kuracik formula rima puisi
My rhyme formula will be crafted
Dibalut nalar dibungkus dengan melodi
Wrapped with logic, enveloped by a melody
Menghasilkan anti virus tuk generasi
Producing antivirus for the generation
Agar kalian semua tak terinfeksi
So that none of you will be infected
Terinfeksi virus money
Infected by the money virus
Bikin kita jadi zombie
Turning us into zombies
Kita budak modern yg pakai dasi
We're modern slaves wearing ties
Persetan orang lain yg penting diri sendiri
Screw everyone else, only ourselves matter
Kita punya nabi bernama televisi
Our prophet is called television
Oh man,oh man
Oh man, oh man
Generasiku cuma bisa komen
My generation only knows how to comment
Kita tukang complain complain
We're complainers, always complaining
Hidup didunia nyata tapi kita selalu pakai topeng
Living in the real world but always wearing masks
Sibuk abadikan semua kita pecandu konten
Busy capturing everything, we're content addicts
Kejar Tuhan tapi tak peduli yang lainnya how can?
Chasing God but not caring about others, how can?
Mata melihat tapi hati tertutup rapat
Eyes see but hearts are tightly shut
Mulut terbuka tapi bicara tak manfaat
Mouths open but words have no value
Telinga mendengar tapi kita masih tersesat
Ears listen but we're still lost
Hati berkarat
Hearts are rusty
Tak digunakan
Maka kita buta
And so we are blind
Musisi sibuk bercinta dengan groupies
Musicians busy making love to groupies
Petinggi sibuk atur pasal untuk bisnis
Officials busy setting rules for business
Ahli agama jadi politis
Religious leaders becoming politicians
Contoh ini bikin kita skeptis,man
These examples make us skeptical, man
U better dig this
You better dig this
Kata doyz hiphop sudah paralisis
Doyz said hip hop is paralyzed
Jd ku dtg dan sembuhkan yeah i fix this
So I came to cure it, yeah I fix this
Kesadaran sudah punah ini krisis
Consciousness has perished, it's a crisis
Kita berubah jadi materialistis
We've become materialistic
Kawan coba mengerti
My friend, try to understand
Coba tutup mata dengar lagu ini
Try closing your eyes and listen to this song
Sudut pandang kita sudah di monopoli
Our perspective has been monopolized
Penuh disinformasi
Full of disinformation
Penggirian opini
Manipulation of opinions
Kurangnya edukasi
Lack of education
Kita terprovokasi
We're provoked
Mulai tersulut lalu mulai ada api
Getting ignited and then there's fire
Manusia dikaca harus direformasi
Humans in the mirror need to be reformed
Karena perubahan dimulai dari diri sendiri
Because change starts from ourselves
Mata melihat tapi hati tertutup rapat
Eyes see but hearts are tightly shut
Mulut terbuka tapi bicara tak manfaat
Mouths open but words have no value
Telinga mendengar tapi kita masih tersesat
Ears listen but we're still lost
Hati berkarat
Hearts are rusty
Tak digunakan
Maka kita buta, buta
And so we are blind, blind
Kita sudah buta
We've gone blind
Kita buta, buta
We are blind, blind
Mata hati dan telinga
Eyes, hearts, and ears
Buta, buta
Blind, blind
Kita tutup semua
We've shut it all
Kita buta, buta
We are blind, blind
Kita sudah buta
We've gone blind

Авторы: Buana Tara, Muztang, Tuan Tigabelas

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