Turbo - Pismo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Turbo - Pismo

Ciągle czujesz, ze wokół Ciebie dziwnie mija czas...
You constantly feel that time passes strangely around you...
Wschodzi słonce, i ktoś się rodzi, jeszcze jeden raz...
The sun rises, and someone is born, once again...
Para oczu przerażonych na rozstaju dróg,
A pair of terrified eyes at a crossroads,
Krzyż na wieki, odtrącony jeszcze jeden Bóg...
A cross forever, another God rejected...
Jeszcze jeden Bóg...
Another God...
Krew za krew, jakie to prawdziwe?
Blood for blood, how true is that?
Ząb za ząb, jakże to zdradliwe.
A tooth for a tooth, how deceptive it is.
Życie za życie, dewiza życia.
A life for a life, the motto of life.
Życie za życie, dewiza bycia
A life for a life, the motto of being
Oko za oko, to nic nowego,
An eye for an eye, that's nothing new,
Zdrada za zdradę, to cos normalnego,
A betrayal for a betrayal, that's something normal,
Wojna za wojnę, codzienność dnia.
A war for a war, the everyday.
Moje zwątpienie,
My doubt,
Oto ja!
Here I am!
Biblia prawd pochłania Cię,
The Bible of truths consumes you,
życie wciąż otwartym pismem jest...
Life is still an open book...
Piekło i raj, to przecież tylko marzenie,
Hell and heaven, that's just a dream,
Zaczniesz się bać, poczekasz na objawienie...
You'll start to fear, you'll wait for the revelation...
Księga czytana, nieznane treści.
A book being read, unknown contents.
Strona za strona, żałobne pieśni.
Page after page, mournful songs.
Oko za oko, to nic nowego,
An eye for an eye, that's nothing new,
Zdrada za zdradę, to cos normalnego,
A betrayal for a betrayal, that's something normal,
Wersja angielska:
English version:
You hear the voices, above the clouds...
You hear the voices, above the clouds...
There, in your head, like a wall
There, in your head, like a wall
Something stands on the way of your pain
Something stands on the way of your pain
So strange pain
So strange pain
Your eyes closed in fear, why do you want to hide?
Your eyes closed in fear, why do you want to hide?
It is now?
It is now?
Empty words, and life that hurts
Empty words, and life that hurts
Is this pain?
Is this pain?
You will start to feel the fear, in the silence you will go
You will start to feel the fear, in the silence you will go
You will close your time, and your hands - no move!
You will close your time, and your hands - no move!
This is your rebellion, your own words, own world and the own fear
This is your rebellion, your own words, own world and the own fear
Around you noise... do you feel now?
Around you noise... do you feel now?
This strange pain
This strange pain
Silent voices like a wind
Silent voices like a wind
Voice of dead ones, voice of years
Voice of dead ones, voice of years
Silent whispers of dead souls...
Silent whispers of dead souls...
Those are your own words
Those are your own words
In the shadow of your dreams, dead trees, someone opened tears.
In the shadow of your dreams, dead trees, someone opened tears.
Only wind will whisper words, like a human
Only wind will whisper words, like a human
Now so close
Now so close
I want to think, want to feel
I want to think, want to feel
In the silence I want go
In the silence I want to go
Calm and warm night, empty words
Calm and warm night, empty words
My own fears - and my own doors!
My own fears - and my own doors!

Авторы: Bogusz Rutkiewicz, Tomasz Krzyżaniak, Wojciech Hoffmann

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