Twins - 07奧運 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Twins - 07奧運

The Olympics 07
雅典 東京柏林 莫斯科
Athens, Tokyo, Berlin, Moscow
悉尼 巴塞隆拿 滿地可
Sydney, Barcelona, Montreal
That big issue inside the venue
雖然 咁多屆都 無請我
Although you didn't invite me to compete
鬥快 鬥高鬥強 我都參加咗
I participated in the competition
Extending in my life outside the venue
每日 做運動員 練短跑
Daily, an athlete practicing a sprint
只因 巴士開得快又未停站
Only because buses are fast and haven't stopped
(Hey 有車 有車 快些 快些)
(Hey, there's a bus! There's a bus! Hurry! Hurry!)
每日 像運動員 做體操
Daily, like an athlete doing gymnastics
為著 日日上班迫車立太艱難
Because it's difficult to squeeze into the car from going to work
(Hey 借歪 借歪 迫些 進些 進些)
(Hey, squeeze in! Squeeze in! Move in! Move in!)
還有比奧運 急切的使命
There is a mission more urgent than the Olympics
時時有 爭先鬥快 比高比遠 的處境
Racing against time, reaching for higher, reaching for farther
誰亦 有個類型 技術最精
Everyone has a type of sport
著調換佈景 犀利過 奧運明星
Changing the scenery, sharper than the Olympic star
競技萬千種 分散生活中
There are thousands of competitions
全城在運動 突破紀錄太普通 起動
The whole city is in motion, breaking records
(自動 也要運動 被動 也要運動
(Active or passive, you have to exercise
活著 這個運動 你我 迫於精通)
Living this exercise, you and I have to be good at it)
你在辦公室 抓舉一萬噸
You're lifting 10,000 tons at your office
我在圖書館 用腦跑贏數英中
I'm running faster than the math and English tests at the library
(學習 也算運動 玩樂 也算運動) 精通哪種
(Studying is also a kind of exercise, playing is also a kind of exercise)
(做夢 也算運動 你最 精通邊種?) 都算威風
(Dreaming is also a kind of exercise, you like it best)
每日 在特賣場 學打拳
Daily, learning boxing at a supermarket
皆因 本週精選貨物在前面
Because the best merchandise is at the front this week
(Hey 快閃 快閃 不要打我尖)
(Hey, hurry up! Hurry up! Don't cut the line!)
每日 站在飯堂 練標槍
Daily, standing at the canteen, practicing javelin
電力 落在暗戀的他那側面
Electricity fell on the side of his face
(飛 遠點 遠點 不想中他腳尖)
(Fly far away! Far away! I don't want him to hurt me!)
還有比奧運 急切的使命
There is a mission more urgent than the Olympics
時時有 爭先鬥快 比高比遠 的處境
Racing against time, reaching for higher, reaching for farther
誰亦 有個類型 技術最精
Everyone has a type of sport
著調換佈景 犀利過 奧運明星
Changing the scenery, sharper than the Olympic star
競技萬千種 分散生活中
There are thousands of competitions
全城在運動 突破紀錄太普通 起動
The whole city is in motion, breaking records
(自動 也要運動 被動 也要運動)
(Active or passive, you have to exercise)
(活著 這個運動 你我 迫於精通)
(Living this exercise, you and I have to be good at it)
你在辦公室 抓舉一萬噸
You're lifting 10,000 tons at your office
我在圖書館 用腦跑贏數英中
I'm running faster than the math and English tests at the library
(學習 也算運動 玩樂 也算運動) 精通哪種
(Studying is also a kind of exercise, playing is also a kind of exercise)
(做夢 也算運動 你最 精通邊種?) 都算威風
(Dreaming is also a kind of exercise, you like it best)
倫敦 巴黎 斯德哥爾摩
London, Paris, Stockholm
漢城 阿特蘭大 墨西哥
Seoul, Atlanta, Mexico City
That big issue inside the venue
如果 比賽項目加呢幾個
If those events were added to the competition
金銀銅牌我實 有得攞
I will definitely win the gold, silver, and bronze medals
Extending in my life outside the venue
唯有等奧運 想創新那日
I can only wait for the Olympics to innovate
召喚我 飛車爆破 都不膽怯 的氣質
Summon me, I'm not afraid of racing and exploding
橫豎 我這隊員 未入過選
Anyway, I've never been selected
為著易記得 編號我要007 (We are born to be strong)
My number is 007 for ease of remembering (We are born to be strong)
(We are Bond, Twins Bond)
(We are Bond, Twins Bond)
競技萬千種 分散生活中
There are thousands of competitions
奇人或異士 在你身旁你家中 出動
Freaks or aliens appear in your home
(自動 也要運動 被動 也要運動)
(Active or passive, you have to exercise)
(活著 這個運動 進化 幾多新種)
(Living this exercise, how many new types have evolved)
你在健身室 單車減肥中
You're cycling to lose weight in the gym
我在茶餐廳 與他划著艇兜風
I'm boating in the tea restaurant with him
(學習 也算運動 玩樂 也算運動) 得獎記得
(Studying is also a kind of exercise, playing is also a kind of exercise)
(做夢 也算運動 你最 精通邊種?) 優美躹躬
(Dreaming is also a kind of exercise, you like it best)

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