Txarango - Arriba la Nit - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Txarango - Arriba la Nit

Arriba la Nit
Night Is Coming
Sota la pluja que renta les mentides
Under the rain that washes away lies
Tants homes com formigues obren les llums del son
Like ants, many people turn on their son's lights
Sota la pluja que renta les mentides
Under the rain that washes away lies
La ciutat adormida amb tants senyors com pors
The sleeping city with as many gentlemen as it has fears
Arlequins i clowns ploraners prenen els carrers, vetllen la son
Clowns and weeping harlequins take over the streets, watching over sleeps
Trapezistes, equilibristes, jocs de mans, malabars de foc (Dorm)
Trapeze artists, equilibrists, sleight of hand, juggling fire (Sleep)
Arriba la nit, arriba a la ciutat
Night is coming, coming to the city
Sóc menys pallasso que ahir no vull fer-me gran
I'm less of a clown than I was yesterday, I don't want to grow up
Arriba la nit, arriba a la ciutat
Night is coming, coming to the city
Sóc menys pallasso que ahir, no vull fer-me gran
I'm less of a clown than I was yesterday, I don't want to grow up
Sota la pluja que renta les mentides
Under the rain that washes away lies
Porpra la nit somia que ara és taronja de malsons
Purple night dreams that it is now orange with nightmares
Papers als bassals mollats, cartes perdudes, balcons, somnis i terrats
Papers in wet puddles, lost letters, balconies, dreams and terraces
Un laberint d'històries, un mim perdut entre els teus ulls i el mar (Dorm)
A maze of stories, a mime lost between your eyes and the sea (Sleep)
Arriba la nit, arriba a la ciutat
Night is coming, coming to the city
Sóc menys pallasso que ahir, no vull fer-me gran
I'm less of a clown than I was yesterday, I don't want to grow up
Arriba la nit, arriba a la ciutat
Night is coming, coming to the city
Sóc menys pallasso que ahir, no vull fer-me gran
I'm less of a clown than I was yesterday, I don't want to grow up
Potser demà el matí
Maybe tomorrow morning
Tot haurà canviat
Everything will have changed
Potser demà el matí
Maybe tomorrow morning
Tot s'haurà acabat
Everything will be over
Si els teus ulls s'obren de matinada
If your eyes open at dawn
Vull que em vegin somiar d'aprop
I want them to see me dreaming up close
Sent la pluja saltant de les teulades
Feel the rain jumping off the rooftops
Escombra el teatre dels malsons
Sweep away the nightmares theater
Si els teus ulls s'obren de matinada
If your eyes open at dawn
Vull que em vetllin la son d'aprop
I want them to watch over my sleep up close
Sent la pluja saltant de les teulades
Feel the rain jumping off the rooftops
Escombra el teatre dels malsons
Sweep away the nightmares theater
Arriba la nit, arriba a la ciutat
Night is coming, coming to the city
Sóc menys pallasso que ahir no vull fer-me gran
I'm less of a clown than I was yesterday, I don't want to grow up
Arriba la nit, arriba a la ciutat
Night is coming, coming to the city
Sóc menys pallasso que ahir no vull fer-me gran
I'm less of a clown than I was yesterday, I don't want to grow up
Potser demà el matí
Maybe tomorrow morning
Tot haurà canviat
Everything will have changed
Potser demà el matí
Maybe tomorrow morning
Tot s'haurà canviat
Everything will have changed

Авторы: Pau Puig Barbena, Ivan Lopez Navarro, Joaquim Canals Morera, Sergi Carbonell Verges, Alex Pujols Canudas, Marcel Lazara Aguila, Alguer Miquel Bo

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