Txarango - Un Pam de Nas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Txarango - Un Pam de Nas

Un Pam de Nas
One Step, Two Steps, Three Steps Away
I un pam, dos pams, tres pams de nas
And one step, two steps, three steps away
I digue'm si tu te'n vas
And tell me if you're going away
La vida balla descalça
Life dances barefoot
I un pam, dos pams, tres pams de nas
And one step, two steps, three steps away
I digue'm si tu te'n vas
And tell me if you're going away
La vida balla descalça
Life dances barefoot
Dins meu
Within me
Freda com la neu
Cold as the snow
Et penso i se'm glaça la son
I think of you and my dream freezes
En mi perdura com un glaçó que mai es fon
In me it remains like an icicle that never melts
Et respiro molt, molt fort
I breathe you hard, hard
Ara no crec en la sort
Now I don't believe in luck
Visc en un somni ras i senzill
I live in a dream, simple and plain
Però la por sol viure sempre dins de mi
But fear always lives in me
Els teus ulls
Your eyes
De colors de tardor
The colors of autumn
Ara em diuen que no, que no estic sol
Now they tell me no, that I'm not alone
Que el vell mussol ja pot arrencar el vol
That the old owl can now take flight
Ets tant dolça, tan bonica
You are so sweet, so pretty
M'eixuplugo entre els teus pits
I snuggle between your breasts
De nit, a les estrelles i d'amagat
At night, to the stars and secretly
I pujaré per llançar-me de cap
And I will climb up to jump headfirst
I un pam, dos pams, tres pams de nas
And one step, two steps, three steps away
I digue'm si tu te'n vas
And tell me if you're going away
La vida balla descalça
Life dances barefoot
I un pam, dos pams, tres pams de nas
And one step, two steps, three steps away
I digue'm si tu te'n vas
And tell me if you're going away
La vida balla descalça
Life dances barefoot
Érem tant bons amics
We were such good friends
I jo m'abraçaré a un arbre
And I will hold onto a tree
Perquè ara mateix no on caure
Because right now I don't know where to fall
I tu, agafes i te'n vas i jo em quedo amb un pam
And you, you take off and I am left with one step
Dos pams, tres pams de nas
Two steps, three steps away
La mentida i la farsa l'he fugit en comparsa
I have run away from lies and pretense
I ara, ja no on dar-la
And now, I don't know where to give it
Vestit dels colors d'una garlanda
Dressed in the colors of a garland
Perquè al cap d'avall la vida és un ball
Because after all life is a dance
I un pam, dos pams, tres pams de nas
And one step, two steps, three steps away
I digue'm si tu te'n vas
And tell me if you're going away
La vida balla descalça
Life dances barefoot
Un pam, dos pams, tres pams de nas
One step, two steps, three steps away
I digue'm si tu te'n vas
And tell me if you're going away
La vida balla descalça
Life dances barefoot
Balla descalça
Dances barefoot
Balla descalça
Dances barefoot
Balla descalça
Dances barefoot

Авторы: Pau Puig Barbena, Ivan Lopez Navarro, Joaquim Canals Morera, Sergi Carbonell Verges, Alex Pujols Canudas, Marcel Lazara Aguila, Alguer Miquel Bo

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