Everyone is walking on a path, a paved path, a path, no
انت عايز و انا عايز كل شئ ف الدنيا جايز لازم تلقى حد فايز
You want and I want everything, anything is possible in this world, you have to find someone who wins
مين قام انا دايس عشان نفرق الجوايز
Who stood up, I’m dying to differentiate the prizes
انت عايز و انا عايز كل شئ ف الدنيا جايز لازم تلقى حد فايز
You want and I want everything, anything is possible in this world, you have to find someone who wins
مين قام انا دايس عشان نفرق الجوايز
Who stood up, I’m dying to differentiate the prizes
كلامنا كلوا بتسمعوه اكيد اساسي بتحفظوه درسنا ف الدنيا درسنا وشيلنا ناسنا على راسنا
You all definitely listen to our words, they are essential, you memorize them, we've learned our lesson in this world, we've learned, and we've carried our people on our heads
دي الدنيا سكة سفر فيها بنتلاقى و عد فيها كام نفر عايشنها بحداقه وعد كام سفاح و عد كام قاتل يا عم تنصح مين ده كلوا بيماطل وماشية بالباطل والاغلبية عاطل
This world is a journey, we meet on it and count how many people are living it to the fullest, count how many murderers, count how many killers, man, who do you advise, all of them are delaying and walking in falsehood, the majority are unemployed
فيه دم كان سايل من الحال المايل و كلوا من بعضوا مخنوق او شايل
There was blood flowing from the biased situation, and everyone is choked or carrying something from each other
فيه ناس عشان العيش ممكن تروح م تجيش و ناس كتير بتعيش في الدنيا دي دراويش
There are people who can go and not come back for the sake of life, and many people live in this world as dervishes
الاكل عايز فلوس و اللبس عايز فلوس تطر الناس تتجاحد و على بعضيها بتدوس و امتع ايام حياتك بتقضيها بلبوص
Food needs money, clothes need money, people have to struggle and step on each other, and you spend your best days of your life in a state of luxurious comfort
انا عاااااايش بالفلوس انا مش عاااايش بالفلوس
I am living by money, I am not living by money
انا عااااايز الفلوس انا مش عاااايز الفلوس
I want money, I don't want money
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