UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - 101回目のプロローグ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - 101回目のプロローグ

Prologue of the 101st Time
ごめん 全然聞いてなかった 大好きなメロディーがありすぎて
Oh, I was not listening at all because there were too many melodies that I like
But I don’t regret it because sometimes, just occasionally, I remember
だよね 僕が間違っていた この席あh未来に溢れてると
Yeah, I was wrong that this seat was filled with the future
そんな素敵じゃないんだな だから嘘ついてでも遊んでいたいな
I guess it was not that wonderful, so I wanted to play even if I had to lie
季節 季節 絡まって なんだっけ
Many seasons have passed by. What was it again?
見落としちゃった正常感情? 囁きはどうでしょう?
Did I miss my emotions? Could it be a murmur?
期せず 期せず 手に取ったパズルのピースで
As I accidentally picked up a piece of the puzzle
海岸線に暁を描き出した そうやって鼓動を待つことにしたよ
I sketched out a dawn on the coastline. With that, I decided to wait for my heart to beat
君だけでいい 君だけでいいや こんな日を分かちあえるのは
You are the only one I want, just you. I can share this day with you
きっとつたないイメージと でたらめな運命値でしか描き表せないから
It is probably because I can only describe it with clumsy imagery and false probability
君だけでいい 君だけでいいや いたずらなプロローグを歌ってる
I want only you, just you. I sing a mischievous prologue to you
約束は小さくてもいいから よろしくね はじまりだよ
Even if the promise is small, please take care. This is the beginning
ごめん 全然好きじゃ無かった 大好きすぎるものが多すぎて
I’m sorry, I didn’t like it at all because there were so many things that I loved too much
守らなくちゃいけないんだ だから嘯いてでも遊んでいたい
I have to protect it, so I want to play even if I had to lie.
数え切れぬ星たちを通過してきたよ 歯がゆいことだっていっぱいあったよ
I have passed numerous stars. There were many frustrating things
間違っていないはずなのに 迷子みたい 情けないな
I shouldn’t have been wrong, but like a lost child, how pathetic
本当の気持ちを話すのは 4年ぐらいは後にするよ
I will tell you my true feelings in about four years
まだ見てないものがあったな そうやって日々を縫う
Apparently, there was still something that I had not seen. With that, I carry on
よろしくね はじまりだよ
Please take care. This is the beginning.
取り繕ったエピローグを 怖がってるのは
I’m afraid of the made-up epilogue
Because it’s somehow embarrassing to say it
だけどこんなエピソードも 必要じゃないはずないよ
But these episodes are definitely necessary
That is why we share the same pace
雨が降っても おでかけ よろしくね はじまりだよ
Even when it rains, let’s go out. Please take care. This is the beginning
With that, I decided to wait for my heart to beat
I’m also preparing to be happy
君だけでいい 君だけでいいや こんな日を分かち合えるのは
You are the only one I want, just you. I can share this day with you
きっと拙いイメージと でたらめな運命値でしか 描き表せないから
It is probably because I can only describe it with clumsy imagery and false probability
君だけでいい 君だけでいいや いたずらなプロローグを歌ってる
I want only you, just you. I sing a mischievous prologue to you
約束は小さくてもいいから よろしくね はじまりだよ
Even if the promise is small, please take care. This is the beginning
The world will be filled with seven colors!
ごめん 全然聞いてなかった 大好きなメロディーがありすぎて
Oh, I was not listening at all because there were too many melodies that I like
後悔はしてないから 知らないままで遊びに行こう
I don’t regret it, so let’s just go out and not know
Until the magic disappears

Авторы: Tomoya Tabuchi

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