UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - 8月、昼中の流れ星と飛行機雲 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - 8月、昼中の流れ星と飛行機雲

August, a daytime meteor shower and flight trails
誰かの都合で始まる歯車 よくできた引力に引っぱられて困っちゃうな
Gears that start at someone's convenience Pulled by a calculated gravity I'm getting into trouble
甘い想いで動く歯車 乗っかっても ねえ、いいですか
Gears that move with sweet thoughts Using them yeah is it okay?
交わってはいけないから平行線だ なんて笑わせる
They say that we shouldn't cross paths because we're parallel lines It's laughable
I used to think that the unchanging past was unshakable but I'm still caught in it
I notice that you're keeping quiet beside me but I'm hurting you
God you're so mean
How much longer will it take for me to reach you?
私は、ごめん、ふわふわ わがままだな
I'm sorry I'm frivolous and selfish
The important words that I probably can't say properly yet
少しずつ育てさせて 今日も飛行機雲になりながら
Let me nurture them little by little Today too while I become a flight trail
While I become a flight trail
お手本みたいなテキストでは 何をどう重ねたって導けなくてI don't know
In exemplary texts No matter what or how I try to connect the dots I can't figure it out I don't know
君がくれるページの隅まで ああ めいっぱい受け止めなくちゃ
The margins of the pages you give me Oh I must absorb them fully
交わってはいけないから ねじれねじれたって近づきたい
We shouldn't cross paths but even if we twist and turn I want to get closer
I used to think that the unchanging past was unshakable but it made you suffer
曲がりくねった道のりだったけどちゃんとさ ほらね
The path was crooked but here we are you see
君へと 向かってる... はず
I'm... headed towards you
君の幸せ公式 多分解き方知ってるけど
I probably know how to solve the formula for your happiness
心が、ごめん、くしゃくしゃ わからないな
My heart sorry is creased and crumpled I don't understand
夏のせいにしたってさ ダメだよ 君にばれてしまう
Even if I blame it on summer It's no good You'll see through me
答えを空に預けて そうだ 飛行機雲が連れていく
Let's entrust the answer to the sky Yes flight trails will take us
I must bid farewell to the past
How much longer will it take for me to reach you?
私は、ごめん、それでも 目の前まで来たよ
I'm sorry but I've come this far
君にたどり着く、そして ああ その距離がゼロになる
I'm reaching you and oh that distance will become zero
I'm sorry I'm still selfish
大事な言葉も今 夏のせいになんかしないで
Let's not blame it on summer anymore I'll say the important words so listen
口に出すから聞いてよ だって 声が空に溶けていっても
Even if my voice melts into the sky
I want it to leave something behind
そうだ 飛行機雲になりながら
That's right While I become a flight trail

Авторы: Tomoya Tabuchi

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