UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - Shoegazer Speaker - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - Shoegazer Speaker

Shoegazer Speaker
Shoegazer Speaker
精査中の雑多my song ぐちゃぐちゃの理想が詰まってる
Carefully examining the jumbled mess of my song, which is filled with chaotic ideals
The image has been done for quite some time now, though
審議天秤持って来てよ バランスを計りたい、なんて言う
Bring me the scale of judgment so I can weigh the balance, you say
あなたのバランスなんて聞いてない そうでしょう
Your balance doesn't concern me, as you well know
終始接近must fact 黙ってりゃいいのに邪魔をする
Always getting closer to the must-fact, you butt in when I tell you to be quiet
It seems like the image is being blocked once again
通り一遍やってみせて 関心がノンストップ、なんて言う
You show me the same old thing, and your interest never stops, you say
心無い都合事情 躍らせないでよ
Your heartless reasons and excuses, don't make me dance
シューゲイザースピーカーを鳴らせ 足元が見えるか? 見えるなら万事十分だ
Turn up the shoegaze speakers; can you see your feet? If you can, then everything's perfect
重低音倍音を上げて 具現化問題一掃して 派手にやっておくれよ
Increase the bass and overtones, eliminate the incarnation problem, and do it in a flashy way
始まるはず 確かに目を覚ましたのは誰だ?
It's about to start; who was it that definitely woke up?
耽美正論at last 逃げ場など終ぞ存在がしない
Aesthetics speak at last; there is no escape in the end
If the image is to be spoken of in terms of hierarchy
各個なんて必要ない あぶり出す差異は必要がない
Then individuals like you are not needed; the differences that burn you out are not needed
苦し紛れ わかってるけど だけど
I'm in anguish, I know, but still
シューゲイザースピーカーを鳴らせ 世界の温度呼応して複雑化する思考回路
Turn up the shoegaze speakers; the world's temperature responds to the increasingly complex thought patterns
重低音倍音を上げて 明日が来て 依然、尚、鼓膜がどうも痺れる
Increase the bass and overtones, so that when tomorrow comes, my eardrums will still be numb
判例は尽きない 生きる証拠実感したのは誰だ?
The precedents are endless; who was it that felt the proof of life?
どんなヒットソングでも 救えない命があること
No matter how many hits a song gets, there are lives it can't save
いい加減気づいてよ ねえ だから音楽は今日も息をするのだろう
You should have realized by now, my dear, that's why music continues to breathe today
シューゲイザースピーカーを鳴らせ 足元が見えるか? 純粋化する思考回路
Turn up the shoegaze speakers; can you see your feet? The thought patterns are becoming pure
精一杯瞬間を生きたい 誰にだって そう だって 与えられた基本原理
I want to live every moment to the fullest, that's the basic principle given to everyone
全昼夜信念を鳴らせ 矛盾が行き交う交差点 それは深層心理把握してる
Play your convictions all day and all night; the crossroads where contradictions meet, it's a grasp of the deep psychology
重低音倍音を上げて 遠望願望を精査して 派手にやってやらなきゃ
Increase the bass and overtones, scrutinize your distant wishes, and do it in a flashy way
始まるはず 命が歌いだす高揚感
It's about to start; the exhilaration of life singing
終わらないはず 今宵も無心に行くのは誰だ?
It shouldn't end; who is it that goes forth without a care tonight?

Авторы: 田淵 智也, 田淵 智也

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