UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - 僕は君になりたい - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - 僕は君になりたい

I Want to Be Like You
君がうらやましいよ 僕にないもの持っているから
Oh honey, I envy you so, you have something that I do not
そんな風に比べてしまう ふわふわ 年頃です
That's how I end up comparing myself to you, my mind's in a haze and I'm in that restless, youthful phase
立ち止まっても近づいてくる 大人の階段がもどかしい
I've stood still, yet I feel like I'm growing closer to becoming an adult, and it makes me impatient
今はお願いもう少しだけ 遠回りさせてよ
Hey, could you please let me have a little more time? I'd like to take the scenic route
驚いたな よく似合うよ 髪を切ったんだね
I was surprised to see how well it suited you when you cut your hair
It was almost as if I was looking at another version of myself
僕は君になりたいのに 君は僕になりたいのにさ
I want to be like you, and yet you want to be like me
誰かの声が邪魔をして 素直になれないよ
Someone else's opinion gets in the way and I can't be honest about it
雨に打たれた放課後や 並木道の帰り道とか
Even in the rain just after school, or on the way back home along the tree-lined road,
同じ景色なはずなのに 僕らには違って見えるのかな
Even when we see the same things, do we see them differently?
君がうらやましいよ 僕にないもの持っているから
Oh honey, I envy you so, you have something that I do not
手を伸ばせば届くのかな 背伸びをしたくなる
If I reach out, will it be enough? I want to stretch and get taller
逃げることできないルールが じわじわ体を重くさせる
I can't escape these rules, and they're weighing me down little by little
いつ、どこ、誰 決めたのかな 好きな風にしたいのに
Who, when, and where? Who decided this? I want to do things my own way
君の手をとり 街に出るよ 誰も触れないように
I'll hold your hand and we'll go out into the city, just the two of us
大丈夫さ 不安でも 同じ空気を吸ってやる
It'll be okay. Don't worry. We'll breathe the same air
僕は君になりたいのに 君は僕になりたいのにさ
I want to be like you, and yet you want to be like me
誰かの声が邪魔をして 素直になれないよ
Someone else's opinion gets in the way and I can't be honest about it
君の涙見たくないよ だから僕がそっと隠すよ
I don't want to see you cry, so I'll tuck your tears away
募る想いがあるのなら 僕宛に手紙でも書きなよ
If you've got something you want to say, write me a letter
みんなと違ったら 普通じゃないって思うのかな
If you're different from everyone else, does that make you weird?
けれど だけど でもね
But, but, but
みんな違うから 普通じゃないは 普通だよ
Since everyone's different, weird is the new ordinary
そんな気持ち 聞こえるかな
Do you hear me?
幾つもの声が行き交う 憧れという名の交差点
Our voices mingle at this intersection called longing
誰もが何かを求めて ふわふわ 年頃です
Everyone's searching for something, their minds in a haze and they're in that restless, youthful phase
僕は君になりたいから 君は僕になりたいからさ
I want to be like you, and yet you want to be like me
誰かの声を聞きながら 今素直になるよ
I'll listen to what others have to say, and I'll finally be honest
見える景色は僕だけの そして君だけの宝物
The things I see are my own, just like the treasures you hold
そろそろおうちに着くけど もう少し遠回りしようよ
We're almost home, but let's take the long way round

Авторы: 田淵 智也, 田淵 智也

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