UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - スノウアンサー - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - スノウアンサー

Snow Answer
もうほんのちょっとで幕が開くのに あとちょっとで
The curtain is about to open, just a little bit more, just a little bit more
親切な時計もやっぱり不親切で 時として刻まない
Even the kind clock is unkind, sometimes it doesn't tick
"When that time comes, happiness will descend"
そんな風に聞いていても 目には映らなくて
That's what they say, but I can't see it in my eyes
The color of this city is fading away
Not just my body, but all the seasons
We wished for something intangible
誰のせいでもなくて 僕のせいでもなくて
It's not your fault or mine
Only the falling snow knows the answer
夜の息遣いも 朝の足音も
Because I can't hear the sound of your breathing at night or your footsteps in the morning
聞こえないから 少し眠らせて
Let me sleep a little
探してるんだよ暗闇の中を 探しては
I'm searching, in the darkness, searching for you
一つ手にとって また一つ手にとって
Picking up one by one, picking up one by one
Approaching as if following the order
ベルが鳴ってるあの子をずっと待ってる そのベルが
I've been waiting for the girl with the bell, that bell
Happiness gradually increases in that way
And this city is getting colored
I can't see the shadow or the key
It's intangible, but it's there
A gentle color
誰かに舞い降りた 僕にも舞い降りるか
It fell on someone, will it fall on me
The background has already turned into white crystals
概念を蹴散らした 闇を振り払った
Concepts have been shattered, darkness has been dispelled
キレイゴトに聞こえるなら 見ろ、バカ
If it sounds like a lie, look, fool
誰のせいでもなくて 僕のせいでもなくて
It's not your fault or mine
降り続く 雪だけが答えを知って
Only the falling snow knows the answer
夜の息遣いも 朝の足音も
The sound of your breathing at night and your footsteps in the morning
I can see it
"It stained beautifully"

Авторы: 田淵 智也, 田淵 智也

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