UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - 三月物語 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - 三月物語

Three Month Story
ああ いつも同じ景色 通いなれた道
Oh, the same scenery always, the path I'm used to,
幾重の記憶たちが 重なって
Many memories overlap,
ああ 僕らも少しだけ大人になれたら
Oh, if only we could become adults, even just a little,
思うけどなんだろう イメージがさ 追いつかないみたい
I think, but I wonder, the image doesn't seem to catch up.
何も起こらなくても 毎日は幸せだよ
Even if nothing happens, every day is happy,
悲しい事があるなら 気の置けない仲間におすそ分けもいい
When things make me sad, I share them with my close friends.
桜が咲く少し前に 一年の繰り返しとサヨナラ
Just before the cherry blossoms bloom, I say goodbye to a year of repetition,
いつの間に 空には星 一つ、二つ、もう少し
When I don't know it, stars appear in the sky, one, two, then a few more.
They say that" life is like a game of sugoroku with six paths",
と生きてきて 全部拾って ここまで来たよ
And I've picked up every one, and come this far.
何も起こらなくても 毎日は幸せだよ
Even if nothing happens, every day is happy,
その指が動かないなら 休みにして紅茶でも飲みに行こう
If your finger won't move, then let's take a break, go out for tea.
桜が咲く少し前に 一年の繰り返しとサヨナラ
Just before the cherry blossoms bloom, I say goodbye to a year of repetition,
いつの間に 空には星 一つ、二つ、もう少し
When I don't know it, stars appear in the sky, one, two, then a few more.
桜が咲く少し前に 明日へ歩き出すその想いに
Just before the cherry blossoms bloom, in my thoughts, I start walking toward tomorrow,
約束 少し重ねるよ いつでも会えるよね
A promise, I'll make a small one, we can always meet, right?
One, two, then a few more.

Авторы: 田淵 智也, 田淵 智也

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