UVERworld - ENOUGH-1(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни UVERworld - ENOUGH-1(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)

ENOUGH-1(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
ENOUGH-1(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
Hello there! How are you today, my dear?
ただ見た目が良いだけの人達の言葉じゃ 心に響かなかった
The words of those who are merely good-looking did not resonate with me
歌が上手いだけの人の旋律じゃ 心までは動かなかった
The melodies of those who are only good at singing did not move me
The truth that news programs don't broadcast
自主規制して逃げんなよ 本気の言葉に飢えてんだよ
Don't censor yourself, run away from honest words
Walkers with dissatisfaction and peace in their database
この国は清潔で 腐った賞味期限に敏感
This country is clean and sensitive to rotten expiration dates
そのくせ腐った政治に やけに鈍感だ
Yet it is surprisingly insensitive to rotten politics
貧乏より金持ちの方が 金にはもっぱら卑しい方だ
The rich are more money-hungry than the poor
太っ腹に貢ぐ姿を見てたら モデルの女が苦手になった
Watching you contribute so generously made me dislike models
You don't have to live seriously
真面目な奴をあざ笑い ぶたなきゃわからねぇ 豚はおめぇか?
But don't mock those who do, are you the pig?
There are so many things I want
全部乞うだけ じゃ無く一つに絞って追うだけ
Don't just beg for everything, focus on one thing
Happiness is scattered everywhere
Children are just bad at noticing it
They say genes skip a generation
As a possibility, the gene to pursue this reckless dream
ハイリスク ノーリターンの精神
High risk, no return spirit
In the world, the number one occupation that parents want their children to have: civil servant
親が安定を望むのは 当たり前
It's natural for parents to want stability
I'll tell my grandson this too
Even if he has no talent
And even if he chases after a ridiculous dream like music
Because the industry is getting tough
'Be a great musician!'
ただ見た目が良いだけの人達の言葉じゃ 心に響かなかった
The words of those who are merely good-looking did not resonate with me
歌が上手いだけの人の旋律じゃ 心までは動かなかった
The melodies of those who are only good at singing did not move me
The truth that news programs don't broadcast
本気に触れたくて 俺達のことを聴くんだろ?
You listen to us because you want to be touched by honesty?
カメラの前で歌う僕も TV越しに見る君も
Me singing in front of a camera, you watching on TV
世界中の悩みも 全て乗せても今日も地球は宇宙でポツンと浮いている
All the worries in the world, if we put them all on, the Earth still floats alone in space
険しい山道 沢山の人が歩いた
A steep mountain path, many people have walked it
そこに道が出来たのに歩かず 横の森に飛び込む僕らもいつも浮いてる
There is a path there, but we always float by, jumping into the forest on the side
You have been a fan of ours for 8 years
Always on the edge of the live house
曲を聴きながら泣いてた 寂しそうだったあの子が
Listening to the songs and crying, you looked so lonely
会場で出逢った人と こんど結婚するんだってさ
You met someone at a concert and you're getting married soon
幸せになってね 『来世では僕とも一度は付き合ってね』
Be happy. 'Make sure to date me in the next life'
I couldn't love the hearts of those who were just beautiful or cute
日々の苦悩や苦労を知らない人の心は 何かが欠けてた
The hearts of those who don't know the struggles and hardships of daily life, something was missing
幾つか君さえ気付いてない 僕にしか見えてない物だってある
There are some things that even you don't realize, that only I can see
僕さえ気付いてりゃ良い 確かにある君の素敵さを
As long as I know, your wonderfulness is real
高く飛びたいのなら 一度低くしゃがめよ
If you want to fly high, crouch down low first
助走をつけて飛ぶなら 後ろへ下がっても良いだろ
If you want to take a running start, it's okay to take a step back
高く飛びたいのなら 一度低くしゃがめよ
If you want to fly high, crouch down low first
助走をつけて飛ぶなら 後ろへ下がっても良いだろ
If you want to take a running start, it's okay to take a step back
Searching for hope
Quitting alcohol and tobacco
柄にもなく神頼み 小さな験を担いでみたり
Praying to God out of character, carrying a small charm
何十回転んで良い 何百回転んで良い
It's okay to fall dozens of times, hundreds of times
転んだ回数プラス1が 起き上った回数なら良い
If the number of times you stand up is one more than the number of times you fall, then it's okay
ただ見た目が良いだけの人達の言葉じゃ 心に響かなかった
The words of those who are merely good-looking did not resonate with me
歌が上手いだけの人の旋律じゃ 心までは動かなかった
The melodies of those who are only good at singing did not move me
The truth that news programs don't broadcast
本気に触れたくて 俺達のことを聴くんだろ?
You listen to us because you want to be touched by honesty?
高く飛びたいのなら 一度低くしゃがめよ
If you want to fly high, crouch down low first
助走をつけて飛ぶなら 一歩下がってみても良いだろ
If you want to take a running start, you can take a step back.
いつも強さは 弱さから生まれる 欠点さえもそう 天からの恵み
Strength is always born from weakness, even flaws are a blessing from heaven
Hello there! How are you today, my dear?

Авторы: TAKUYA[?], TAKUYA∞

дата релиза

1 Touch off(2019.6.6 Live at Okinawa MUSIC TOWN OTO-ICHIBA)
2 PRAYING RUN(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
3 零HERE~SE~(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
4 7日目の決意(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
5 0 choir(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
6 0 choir(2019.6.6 Live at Okinawa MUSIC TOWN OTO-ICHIBA)
8 ConneQt(2019.6.6 Live at Okinawa MUSIC TOWN OTO-ICHIBA)
9 ROB THE FRONTIER(instrumental)
10 畢生皐月プロローグ(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
11 NO.1(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
12 PLOT(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
13 GOOD and EVIL(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
14 ODD FUTURE(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
15 ハルジオン(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
16 ENOUGH-1(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
17 Don't Think.Feel(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
18 WE ARE GO(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
19 7th Trigger(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
20 Q.E.D.(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
21 TYCOON(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
22 MONDO PIECE(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
23 在るべき形(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
24 IMPACT(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
25 ナノ・セカンド(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
26 CORE PRIDE(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
27 Massive(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
28 EDENへ(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
29 GOLD(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
30 SHOUT LOVE(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
31 ALL ALONE(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)

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