Uchikubigokumondoukoukai - Natsunouta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Uchikubigokumondoukoukai - Natsunouta

Song of Summer
目がさめる さわやかな朝
I wake up to a refreshing morning,
小鳥のさえずり まぶしい太陽
The birds are chirping, the sun is shining,
さあ窓開けて 外の空気を
I open the window and let in the fresh air.
あつい! あつい! あつい!
Hot! Hot! Hot!
It's hot!
なにこれ暑い ただごとじゃない
What is this, it's so hot, it's unbelievable,
この部屋守ってた エアコンえらい
The air conditioner that has been protecting this room is amazing,
でも行かなくちゃ もう外出なきゃ
But I have to go, I can't stay inside anymore,
まあキリッとすれば たぶん大丈夫
If I just toughen up, I'll probably be fine.
I was just caught off guard刚才只是措手不及,
心頭滅却すれば 火もまた
If I can clear my mind, I can withstand even fire.
あつい! あつい!
Hot! Hot!
やばい! あつい!
Oh no! It's hot!
照り付ける太陽がすごく (あつい)
The sun is scorching(hot),
モワモワした湿気がすごく (あつい)
The humidity is suffocating (hot),
アスファルトから照り返しが (あつい)
The asphalt is radiating heat (hot),
日本の夏はとっても あつい
Japanese summers are really hot.
外出てえらい にしても暑い
I finally stepped outside, but it's still so hot,
休み休み行こう 無理は禁物
I'll have to take breaks, I can't push myself too hard,
店を発見 きっと涼しい
I found a shop, it must be cool inside,
I'll go in for a bit.
さむい! さむい! さむい!
Cold! Cold! Cold!
It's cold!
温度下げすぎ よくある話
They turned the temperature down too low, it's a common problem,
設定ほどほどに 加減は大事
The settings should be moderate, it's important to find a balance,
さて休憩終わり 水分も補給
Now that my break is over, I've also rehydrated,
もうキリッとしたし たぶん大丈夫
I've toughened up again, I'll probably be fine.
I just wasn't used to it before,
覚悟を決めた今は もう全然
Now that I'm prepared, it's a piece of cake.
あつい! あつい!
Hot! Hot!
やっぱり! あつい!
I knew it! It's hot!
想像を絶するレベルで (あつい)
It's at an unimaginable level(hot),
朝から晩までとめどなく (あつい)
It's relentless from morning till night(hot),
本気出した日本の夏は (あつい)
When Japan's summer unleashes its full power(hot).
そんな夏しかできないこと (したい)
But there are things we can only do in such a hot summer(want),
暑い中で食びるアイスは (うまい)
Eating ice cream in the heat(delicious),
プール入ると気持ちよくて (すごい)
Swimming in the pool is so refreshing(amazing),
打ち上げた花火を眺めて (きれい)
Watching fireworks light up the sky(beautiful),
日本の夏はとっても あつい
Japanese summers are really hot.
さあ夏が来た 何して過ごそう
Here comes the summer, what will we do?
海に行こうか 山に行こうか
Shall we go to the beach or to the mountains?
楽しい夏に 良い思い出に
May this summer be filled with joy and
Cherished memories,

Авторы: Osawa Atsushi

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