Uchikubigokumondoukoukai - usinawaresi heiwa na haru no hi yo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Uchikubigokumondoukoukai - usinawaresi heiwa na haru no hi yo

usinawaresi heiwa na haru no hi yo
usinawaresi heiwa na haru no hi yo
オーマイガー マイガー
OMG My Dear
春は春はあけぼの ようようYO
Spring has sprung early, just as they say
鼻がつらいよう クシャミうざいよう
My nose is stuffy, sneezes won't stay away
目がもうかゆいかゆい それかふんかふん
My eyes are so itchy, I could scratch them all day
Antihistamines provide no relief
And masks can't provide me belief
どうしてこうもツラいだろう もはや花粉が憎いだろう
Why must I suffer so? I hate this pollen flow
天を仰いで祈りを捧ぐ 花粉なんて無くなればいいのに
I pray to the heavens above, make the pollen go
焼き払え 檜の山を 薙ぎ払え 杉の木の丘を
Burn down the cedar forests, cut down every pine
涙の日々に終止符を 再び平和な春の日を
Put an end to these watery eyes and this runny nose of mine
埋め尽くせ カモガヤの原を 消し飛ばせ ブタクサの種を
Fill in the fields with grass, destroy every weed
我らの目鼻に安らぎを 掴み取れ安寧の日々を
Soothe my eyes and nose, give me peace indeed
Peace in these hands I hold
おまえら 目がかゆいのか 鼻水が出るか
Are your eyes irritated? Is your nose running?
くしゃみつらいか 花粉症なのか
Are you sneezing uncontrollably, suffering from hay fever's cunning?
杉が憎いか 檜が嫌か
Do you despise cedar and pine?
そいつが敵か 本当にそいつが敵なのか
Are they truly your enemy, or is there more to the story behind?
鼻かめど 鼻かめど 我がくしゃみ楽にならざり ぢっと堪え抜く
I blow my nose until it's raw, but the sneezing won't recede
なぜ なぜ そもそも そもそも
I endure, but why? Why indeed?
花粉ごときで我が身は こうも蝕まれゆくのか
Why does mere pollen make me feel so weak?
なんでそんなに杉増えたの なんでそれで病気になるの
How did these trees grow so tall? Why do they make me so ill?
いかに悩めど答えはひとつ 花粉なんて滅びればいいのに
No matter how I ponder, there's only one answer: pollen is the root of all evil
焼き払え 檜の山を 薙ぎ払え 杉の木の丘を
Burn down the cedar forests, cut down every pine
涙の日々に終止符を 再び平和な春の日を
Put an end to these watery eyes and this runny nose of mine
埋め尽くせ カモガヤの原を 消し飛ばせ ブタクサの種を
Fill in the fields with grass, destroy every weed
我らの目鼻に安らぎを 掴み取れるのか 本当に
Can I find solace for my eyes and nose? Will I ever be free indeed?
憎むべきは 檜の山か 仇敵は 杉の木の丘か
Should I blame the cedar forests? Are the pine trees my foe?
涙の日々は終わるのか 失われし平和な春の日よ
Will these days of misery ever end? Will I ever see a peaceful spring, as it was long ago?
忌むべきは過ぎし日の罪か 苦しみは然るべき罰か
Am I being punished for past sins? Is my suffering just?
我らの未来に救いあれ 再び平和な春の日を
I pray for salvation, for a future free from this pollen-induced pain
平和をこの手に 勝利を我が手に
Peace in these hands I hold, victory is my aim

Авторы: 大澤 敦史, 大澤 敦史

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