Ulf Lundell - Fem Timmar Till Landning - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ulf Lundell - Fem Timmar Till Landning

Fem Timmar Till Landning
Five Hours Until Landing
Ntligen p plats efter
Finally in place after
Check-in, security
Check-in, security
Tidningar, walk-man
Magazines, headphones
Tom plats bredvid
Empty seat next to me
Hon kommer sent
She's running late
Jag flyttar mina saker
I move my things
Ett leende, ett tack
A smile, a thank you
Vi lyfter lite efter tid
We take off a bit late
Stjrnenatt, stjrnenatt
Starry night, starry night
Utanfr fnstret
Outside the window
Filmen slut, ljuset dmpat
Movie ends, lights dim
Fem timmar till landning
Five hours until landing
En efter en stannar motorerna
One by one, the engines stop
Kvinnan bredvid griper tag i min hand
The woman beside grabs my hand
Allt jag hr r hennes andning
All I hear is her breath
Planet sjunker, sjunker
The plane descends, descends
Vi sitter sdr
We sit there
Vi vet att det r ver nu
We know it's over now
Shr tar det slut
This is where it ends
Ett brandgult sken
A flame-yellow glow
Vi ser lnga flamor av eld
We see long flames of fire
Frn motorerna nr vi tittar ut
From the engines when we look out
Barn som skriker, ngon grter
Children crying, someone's sobbing
Kaptenen sjer: Vi gr vad vi kan
The captain says: We're doing everything we can
Fr att f igng dom igen
To get them running again
Han ber oss vara lugna
He asks us to stay calm
Vi sitter tysta
We sit in silence
Hller hrt varandras hnder
Holding each other's hands tightly
Hon viskar: Jag vill inte d n
She whispers: I don't want to die
Havet drute som en bucklig plt
The ocean below like a dented plate
Och sen ljuen frn en stad
And then the light from a city
Sen ltsligt trycket i ryggen:
Then suddenly the pressure in our backs:
Motorerna gr igng igen
The engines are running again
Sen landningsbanans lampor p rad
Then the runway lights in a row
Planet grtt av aska
The plane covered in soot
Ett moln frn en vulkan
A cloud from a volcano
Sler nn i bussen till gaten
Sitting in the bus to the terminal
En kvinna skrattar
A woman laughs
Ett barn blir kysst
A child is kissed
Varsin kopp kaffe
A cup of coffee each
Folk rusar hit och dit
People rushing here and there
Jag ser p henne
I look at her
Hon ser p mig
She looks at me
Hon lutar sig fram ver bordet
She leans across the table
Brjar grta tyst
Starts crying quietly

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