Bland raketerna och skrattenkysser kvinnorna sina mn
Amidst the rockets and laughter kisses the men
Jag ppnar fnstret ut mot parkenoch lter rken vlla in
I open the window into the park and let the smoke flow in
Det r rtt lngt ner till markenlngre n ngonsin
It is quite a long way to the ground longer than ever before
All denna vntanefter nnu en vr
All this waiting after another spring
Tid tr p minnetmen det knns som igr-Vart tog du vgen sen?-Jag gick hem till mej-r det nn jag knner igen?-Han r en vn till dej-Du lt honom stanna kvar?-Han var dr nr jag kom-S var r lyckans dar?-Vnd dej inte om
Time is running out However it feels like yesterday-Where did you go then?-I went home to me-Is that still me I recognise?-He is a friend of yours-Did you let him stay?-He was there when I came-So where is the happiness gone?-Do not turn around
Det vxer rosor upp ur stenen
Roses grow up from the stone
Det r vrt blod som vxer dr
It is our blood that grows there
Tv skott och allting r frndratdet kunde inte hnda hr
Two shots and everything has changed that could not happen here
Vi gick en sista gng tillsammans
We walked together for the last time
Vi visste att allt var frbi
We knew that everything was over
Du sa att du knde dej s gammaljag knde bara apati
You said that you felt so old I only felt apathy
Jag satt uppe senoch lste dina brev
I stayed up late and read your letters
Visste du nnsintill vem du skrev?-Vart tog du vgen sen?...
Did you ever know to whom I wrote?-Where did you go then?...
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