Umano - Mi Dios - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Umano - Mi Dios

Mi Dios
My God
Tengo mi dios y el no vive en un templo
I have my god and he doesn't live in a temple
Es mi padre mi madre estos 2 son mi ejemplo
He's my father, my mother, these 2 are my example
Mostraron su amor su bondad de ideales
They showed their love, their kindness of ideals
No en una cruz si no con hechos reales
Not on a cross but with real deeds
El toque de queda toco al suicida
The curfew rang for the suicide
Mama desangraba el velo por mi vida
Mom was bleeding a veil for my life
Bandera blanca pidiendo una tregua
A white flag asking for a truce
Es un padre sufriendo lo notaron a leguas
It's a father suffering and they noticed him for miles
Ensangrentado llego al hospital
He arrived at the hospital bloodied
Con su esposa gestando en la rectal final
With his wife pregnant in the final rectal
Su feto se iba pero ellos peleaban
His fetus was leaving but they were fighting
Aun ni nacía y su sangre me daban
He wasn't even born and they gave me his blood
El doctor me salvo
The doctor saved me
Curo la hemorragia
He cured the bleeding
Papa sonrió y contagio de nostalgia
Dad smiled and spread his nostalgia
Su hijo esta vivo lo cuido con agallas
His son is alive, he takes care of him with guts
Entre choros, terrucos, balas y metrallas
Between crying, terrorists, bullets and machine guns
Ese es mi viejo
That's my old man
El me cuido me abrigo no le importo su pellejo
He took care of me, warmed me up, never mind his skin
Es mi dios y me llevo de la mano
He is my god and he drives me by the hand
No es un rezo un pedazo de yeso ES HUMANO
He's not a prayer a piece of chalk HE IS HUMAN
Artesano de piedra y alambre
Craftsman of stone and wire
Me crió y la luchó en los momentos de hambre
He raised me and fought for me in times of hunger
En los momentos de crisis
In moments of crisis
Y me firmo con su nombre bajo el signo de piscis
And he signed me with his name under the sign of pisces
El es mi dios su bondad lo enaltece
He is my god, his goodness praises him
No pide que maten un diezmo que rece
He doesn't ask to kill a tithe that prays
El es mi dios es humano y por eso
He is my god, he is human and that is why
El es mas que una iglesia un pedazo de yeso
He is more than a church, a piece of plaster
El es mi dios y lo ignora me adora
He is my god and he ignores me
Me cuida y protege no importa la hora
He watches over me and protects me no matter the time
Entre fierro y cemento su andar se hace lento
Between iron and cement his pace becomes slow
No es cuento
It's not a story
Lo hace para buscar alimento
He does it to search for food
No pide dinero que cante o que rece
He doesn't ask for money or for you to sing or pray
Solo que estudie y a que mi madre la bese
Just for you to study and for you to kiss your mother
No cree en el C.C
He doesn't believe in the CC
Jamas convalece
He never heals
Espero reciba lo que el se merece
I hope he receives what he deserves
Estoy muy enfermo y no puedo ayudarlo
I'm very sick and I can't help him
Este cuarto sombrío me impide cuidarlo
This dark room keeps me from taking care of him
Mi estado es muy grave yo prefiero ocultarlo
My state is very serious, I prefer to hide it
Que no se preocupe ya no puede extresarlo
May he not worry, I can't stress him anymore
Mi cuerpo me exige un nuevo riñón
My body requires a new kidney
Hay 500 en la lista no me queda otra opción
There are 500 on the list, I have no other option
Buscar un donante trasplante en acción
Looking for a donor, transplant in action
Todo ese gasto no alcanza con su pensión
All that expense doesn't add up with his pension
Mi madre llorando su pena es gigante
My mother crying, her sorrow is giant
Mujer ya no reces soy yo el donante
Woman no longer pray, I am the donor
Seca tus lagrimas y abraza a tu infante
Dry your tears and embrace your child
En unos días seré yo quien lo levante
In a few days I will be the one to support him
El es mi dios yo lo puedo tocar
He is my god, I can touch him
El dejo sus quehaceres pa poderme cuidar
He left his chores to take care of me
Yo aprieto su mano postrado en camilla
I squeeze his hand lying on a stretcher
El me a dado su vida no la otra mejilla
He gave me his life, not the other cheek
El es mi dios su bondad lo enaltece
He is my god, his goodness praises him
No pide que maten un diezmo que rece
He doesn't ask to kill a tithe that prays
El es mi dios es humano y por eso
He is my god, he is human and that is why
El es mas que una iglesia un pedazo de yeso
He is more than a church, a piece of plaster

Авторы: rafael ramírez aguilar, jhony lois ruiz

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