Sir Samuel: Oh, you don't know how much I love you.
L ou ka di mwen ou excit
You tell me you're excited
K en mwen ka pd cadence l ou ka allong
When I increase the pace you can keep up longer
Cow aw en l mwen, jiska demain
My love, until tomorrow
Mmew vl senti po aw satin
I will make you feel like satin
Nou c'tain nou k lass' demain matin
Tomorrow morning we will be exhausted
Leeroy Kesiah: Illico j'mets l'turbo, j'adore quand tu m'dis:"Leeroy c'est toi l'plus beau, t'es celui qu'j'prfre, Celui qui m'fait grimper au rideau, n'importe quelle heure et
Leeroy Kesiah: I'm in turbo mode, I love it when you tell me, "Leeroy you're the most handsome, you're the one I prefer, The one who makes me climb the curtains, anytime and
Dans n'importe quel studio, tout l'monde sait qu'tu connais
In any studio, everyone knows that you know
Toutes les ses-po, donc on t'aime trop
All the positions, so we love you too much
On sait tous qu'avec toi, on passera des moments trs chauds"A chaque fois qu'tu t'sens seule, n'hsite pas, compose mon numro
We all know that with you, we will have a very hot time"Whenever you feel lonely, don't hesitate, dial my number
Toi-mme tu sais qu'une fois d'plus, ce sera trs chaud.
You know that once again, it will be very hot.
Refrain: Angela, mwen k fend' tchou aw
Chorus: Angela, I will take you apart
Pendan papaw pa la, Angela
While dad is gone, Angela
Vicelow: Trop "chichi", trop "hein hein", Angela me "tchip", a peur du "hin hin"Contraint je suis une contrainte, c'est par contrat moral
Vicelow: Too "chichi", too "huh huh", Angela "tsk" at me, afraid of the "hin hin"Under duress, I am a constraint, it is by moral contract
Qu'elle se retrouve contre un noir lunettes "Vicelow"Homme de zouk, homme de soukous, malhonnte ce coup-ci, Si j'ai pas elle, j'ai sa cousine, elle est coup-ci, coup-a, Elle a grossi mais j'mettrai un coup a! Refrain.
That she finds herself against a black man with "Vicelow" sunglassesA zouk man, a soukous man, dishonest this time, If I don't have her, I have her cousin, she's here, here, She's fattened up but I'll give her a go! Chorus.
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