Umberto Tozzi - Le parole - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Umberto Tozzi - Le parole

Le parole
The words
Le parole contano, dille piano, tante volte rimangono
Words matter, speak them softly, so often they linger
Fanno male anche se dette per rabbia
They hurt even if spoken in anger
Si ricordano, si ricordano
They are remembered, they are remembered
Le parole, quante volte rimangono le parole?
The words, how often do the words remain?
Feriscono, le parole, ti cambiano
They hurt, the words, they change you
Ti bastava anche un filo di voce per dirmi ti amo
A whisper would have been enough to tell me you loved me
Ma quante volte mi hai urlato sul viso che valevo poco
But how many times did you scream in my face that I was worth little
Mi sentivo un bambino immaturo e magari ero un uomo
I felt like an immature child and maybe I was a man
Ti credevo una donna importante, eri donna a metà
I thought you were an important woman, you were a woman halfway
Dimmi che rimane di noi due, dimmi chi ci riavvicinerà
Tell me what remains of the two of us, tell me who will bring us back together
A te sembrava un gioco, bello se dura poco
It seemed like a game to you, beautiful if it lasted a short time
Era una cena fredda da consumarsi in fretta
It was a cold dinner to be eaten in a hurry
A te sembrava un gioco, bello se dura poco
It seemed like a game to you, beautiful if it lasted a short time
Era una cena fredda che hai consumato in fretta
It was a cold dinner that you ate quickly
Le parole mordono, hanno fame, come i cani ti ringhiano
Words bite, they are hungry, like dogs they growl at you
Dentro il cuore fanno male e si insinuano, ti consumano, ti divorano
Inside the heart they hurt and sneak in, they consume you, they devour you
Le parole fanno danni invisibili, sono note che aiutano e che la notte confortano
Words do invisible damage, they are notes that help and that at night comfort
Quante volte leggere e preziose me le hai sussurrate
How many times have you whispered them to me, soft and precious
Ma altre volte mi hai dato del pazzo se di te morivo
But other times you called me crazy if I was dying for you
Mi sentivo un bambino immaturo e magari ero un uomo
I felt like an immature child and maybe I was a man
Ti sentivo una donna importante, eri donna a metà
I saw you as an important woman, you were a woman halfway
Dimmi che rimane di noi due, dimmi chi ci riavvicinerà
Tell me what remains of the two of us, tell me who will bring us back together
A te sembrava un gioco, bello se dura poco
It seemed like a game to you, beautiful if it lasted a short time
Era una cena fredda da consumarsi in fretta
It was a cold dinner to be eaten in a hurry
A te sembrava un gioco, bello se dura poco
It seemed like a game to you, beautiful if it lasted a short time
Era una cena fredda che hai consumato in fretta
It was a cold dinner that you ate quickly
A te sembrava un gioco, bello se dura poco
It seemed like a game to you, beautiful if it lasted a short time
Era una cena fredda che hai consumato in fretta
It was a cold dinner that you ate quickly

Авторы: Umberto Tozzi, Riccardo Ancillotti

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