Ummon Guruhi - Bir Kun - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon Guruhi - Bir Kun

Bir Kun
Some Day
Oldingi kunlar
The days gone by
Qolipketti ortda
Have been left behind
Oldingidak birga
Together in the past
Bo'lolmasak kerak
We should not have parted
Agar bo'lolsak
If we had done so
Qilmasdan inkor
Without any denial
Jonm berardm
I would have given my life
Evaziga senga
In exchange for you
Lekin u qaytmaydi endi hech qachon
But it will never return now
Yuragmga bermaydi bir imkon
It will never give my heart a chance
Bu azoblardan halos et osmon
Deliver me from these torments, O Heaven
Lekin u bilmaydi endi hech qachon
But it will never know now
U sz qanday qiyin o'tkan tunlar
How hard those nights were
Umid qlgandm bermadi imkon
Hope was gone, it gave no chance
Bir kun bedor
Some day, awake
O'yla meni men seni har kun o'ylaganday
Think of me as I think of you every day
Bo'ldim bezor
I have become helpless
Hech ham seni hayollarimdan o'chirolmay
Unable to erase you from my thoughts
Yana bir kun
Another day
Meni sev oldingidagiday sevganday
Love me as you used to
Shunday bir kun
Some day
Keyin mayli roziman ortiq yashamay
Then, even if I die, it does not matter
Ko'z ochib ko'rganm san san
Opening my eyes, I saw you
Sandan ortiq hech km kerak mas bilasan
I need no one more than you
Bilasanmi sansiz dunyoni ranglari bo'ldi qora
Do you know that the world without you has turned black?
San bilan edi oppoq paxta
With you, it was pure white
Oppoq orzularimizni qilding kir
You have soiled our pure dreams
Ko'ksing ortida yurakmi yoki temir
Is there a heart or iron behind your chest?
Qani vadalaringa vafo qani mehr
Where are your promises, your love?
Nma qlding mani bu qanday sehr
What have you done to me? What is this spell?
Bir kun bedor bo'lib o'yla mani
One day, awake and think of me
Man sani har kuni o'ylaganm kabi
As I think of you every day
Osmonlarga qarab so'ra mani
Look up at the heavens and ask for me
Har kuni man sani so'raganm sari
As I ask for you every day
Uzoqlashib ketmoqdasan bo'lib bulut
You are drifting away, becoming a cloud
Shuncha baqirganmga javob bo'ldi sukur
All my cries have been met with silence
San mani yuragmni yulib ketgan burgut
You are the eagle that has torn out my heart
Avval o'ldir mayli kegn unut
Kill me first, then forget
Sen bag'ring ochib kel
Come, open your arms
Sog'indm kel sog'indm de
Say you miss me, say you miss me
Shuncha kutgandm ku
I have waited so long
Kelmadiyu unittimu
You have not come, and I have forgotten you
Unita olmadm
I have not forgotten
Yig'ladi tunlar yig'ladi
The nights have wept, the nights have wept
Yig'ladi yurak yig'ladi
The heart has wept, the heart has wept
Sog'inch o'ydi dilni bilmadi
Longing has consumed my heart
Oldingidak o'ylamadi
You have not thought of me as before

Авторы: ummon guruhi

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