Ummon Guruhi - Osmon - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon Guruhi - Osmon

Osmon, oxiri yo'q yulduzlar
Heaven, stars with no end
Shu yulduzlarga qarab seni izlayman
I look for you by looking at these stars
Bulutlar, yopmanglar ko'klarni
Clouds, don't cover the sky
Uni yulduzlardan so'rab, tunlar yig'layman
I ask the stars about you and the nights weep
Vaqt davo derlar har bir dardga
Time is the remedy, they say for every pain
Nega davo bo'la olmayapti unda menga?
Why doesn't it work for me?
Menga vaqt o'tishi emas, menga u kerak
I don't need time to pass, I need you
U ketgan kundan beri vaqt ham to'xtab qolganday
Time seems to have stopped since the day you left
Yomg'ir buncha yog'masang ayt, kun bo'yi?
Rain, why do you fall so much all day?
Gulim so'lib bo'ldi, unmaydi endi
My flower has withered and will not bloom again
Uni sen ham, men ham endi qaytarolmaymiz
Neither you nor I can bring it back
Faqat bir chetda eslab yig'laymiz
We can only remember you and cry
Qara, x'ol bo'lib yotar xazonlar
Look, the autumn leaves are turning brown
Shu xazonlar tagida mani gulim yotar
My flower lies under these autumn leaves
Kecha yam-yashil edi barglari
Yesterday, its leaves were lush and green
Bugun sap-sariqdir ranglari
Today, they are pale and yellow
Quyosh nur sochar edi isib turgan tanamga
The sun used to shine and warm my body
Undan ko'ra sochmasmidi muzlab yotgan qalbiga
Why doesn't it shine and warm your frozen heart?
Hayotimga qo'shib baxtli lavhalar
You gave me moments of happiness
Shu kungacha ko'rar edik qancha shirin lahzalar
Until this day, we would share many sweet moments
Dengiz, uni bag'ringga oborolmadim
Ocean, I couldn't hold you in my arms
Sani ko'rish orzusi edi, ko'rsatolmadim
Seeing you was a dream, I couldn't show it
Endi hech qachon kechirolmayman o'zimni
Now, I can never forgive myself
Bittagina orzusin amalga oshirolmadim
I couldn't fulfill your one wish
Yarim oy, yarim bo'ldi ko'nglim meni
Crescent moon, my heart has become incomplete
Sen ertaga to'lasan, to'lmas bo'ldim endi
You will be full tomorrow, but I will never be full again
Sendayin nur taralib turar edi yuzlaridan
Your face used to radiate like you
Sog'inib ketdim tutib yurishim qo'llaridan
I miss holding your hands
Yomg'ir buncha yog'masang ayt, kun bo'yi?
Rain, why do you fall so much all day?
Gulim so'lib bo'ldi, unmaydi endi
My flower has withered and will not bloom again
Uni sen ham, men ham endi qaytarolmaymiz
Neither you nor I can bring it back
Faqat bir chetda eslab yig'laymiz
We can only remember you and cry
Qara, x'ol bo'lib yotar xazonlar
Look, the autumn leaves are turning brown
Shu xazonlar tagida mani gulim yotar
My flower lies under these autumn leaves
Kecha yam-yashil edi barglari
Yesterday, its leaves were lush and green
Bugun sap-sariqdir ranglari. (x1+x1)
Today, they are pale and yellow. (x1+x1)

Авторы: ummon guruhi

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