Ummon Guruhi - Yuragimga - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon Guruhi - Yuragimga

My Heart
Yuragingda, menga bo'lgan,
In your heart, towards me,
Hislar so'nibdi, oxir ko'rindi.
Your feelings have faded, it's finally clear.
Men esa bilmay,
But I didn't know,
Ko'nglingga yo'l topib,
Finding my way to your heart,
Hafa qildimmi deb, o'ylardim.
I wondered if I had offended you.
Yo'q, bu shunchaki baxona,
No, this is just an excuse,
Oraga qo'shib ora,
Again and again,
Izlaydi aybni mendan.
She looks for fault in me.
Aybim bo'lsaydi zora,
If I were at fault, she would be relentless,
Ovora bo'lma bo'ldi.
She would not be unfeeling.
Qalbim dardga to'ldi.
My heart is filled with pain.
Aybim ne deb so'rasam,
When I asked her what my fault was,
Siltalab ketdi qo'li.
She flicked her hand away.
Yuragimga kirib olib,
Entering my heart,
Umid uyg'otib so'ngra
Igniting hope and then
Parcha-parcha qildi ketdida.
She shattered it into pieces and left.
Yuragimga kirib olib,
Entering my heart,
Umid uyg'otib so'ngra
Igniting hope and then
Nimta-nimta qildi ketdida.
She tore it into pieces and left.
Tabibga bordim so'rab yordam,
I went to the doctor for help,
Tabib dedi men ham senday oddiy odam.
The doctor said I am an ordinary man like him.
Bu dardga davo topolmagan olimlar ham,
Scholars have not found a cure for this pain,
Shu qatorida topa olmasam kerak men ham.
In that line, I should not find one either.
Tabibdan foyda yo'q, shoshib qaytaman uyga.
There is no use in the doctor, I'll hurry home.
Bu boshimga qo'ngan og'riq, go'yo bir umrga.
This pain that has settled in my head, as if for a lifetime.
Qayga ketding endi chiroyligim.
Where have you gone now, my beauty.
San bilan o'tib ketdi, afsus mani yoshligim.
With you, my youth has passed, alas, my youth.
Uzun yo'llar, baland tog'lar ko'rinar.
Long roads, high mountains will be seen.
O'sha tog'dagi daraxtman, barglarim to'kilar.
On that mountain, I am a tree, my leaves will fall.
Barglar esa sani manga bo'lgan mehring.
And the leaves are your love for me.
Kundan kunga tobora kamayib borar ular.
Day by day, they will gradually decrease.
Qilmaysan qo'ng'iroq, topib bir imkon.
You do not call, finding a way.
Topib sabab bo'laylik yana deb yonma-yon.
Finding a way to be together again,
Yoki kerakmasmi qaytsa o'sha on.
Or do you not want that moment to return.
O'sha ifor, o'sha baxt, o'sha zamon.
That happiness, that joy, that time.
Yuragimda, bo'm-bo'sh xona,
In my heart, an empty room,
Na sen, na kimdir bordir unda.
Neither you nor anyone else is there.
Faqat qora tog', tog'lardan balandroq.
Only a dark mountain, taller than mountains.
Favvoralar kabi, otiladi azob.
Like fountains, agony rushes.
Bu shunchaki azobmas,
This is not just agony,
Lat yeganday bo'lmas.
It's like consuming poison.
Har-hil dorilar bilan,
With all kinds of medicine,
Uni davolab bo'lmas.
It cannot be cured.
Ovora bo'lma bo'ldi,
She would not be unfeeling,
Qalbim dardga to'ldi.
My heart is filled with pain.
Aybim ne deb so'rasam,
When I asked her what my fault was,
Siltalab ketdi qo'li.
She flicked her hand away.
Yuragimga kirib olib,
Entering my heart,
Umid uyg'otib so'ngra
Igniting hope and then
Parcha-parcha qildi ketdida.
She shattered it into pieces and left.
Yuragimga kirib olib,
Entering my heart,
Umid uyg'otib so'ngra
Igniting hope and then
Nimta-nimta qildi ketdida.
She tore it into pieces and left.

Авторы: rizanovauz

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