Ummon guruhi - Aldamadi Yolg'on - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon guruhi - Aldamadi Yolg'on

Aldamadi Yolg'on
Deceived by Falsehood
Meni aldadi gullar uni quliga uchib
You deceived me with flowers, whispering in my ear
Meni aldadi lablar lablarimni quchib
You deceived me with lips, kissing away my fear
Meni aldadi ishonch ishonchim qozonib
You deceived me with trust, making me believe
Lekin aldamadi yolg'on qoldi yolg'on bo'lib
But falsehood didn't deceive, it just watched me grieve
Nega adashdi sevgim bevafoni sevib
Why did my love falter, loving one so unfaithful
Nega yanglishdi kuzim gozaliga uchib
Why did my eyes err, falling for your deceitful path
Nega hamon sevayapman
Why do I still love, though logic tells me no
Hech ham aqlimga sig'mas
Why did you leave me, yet my heart won't let you go
Nega mendan ketgansan
I've memorized your smile, even as you faded away
Yuragimdan emas
You appear in my dreams, promising a love that can't stay
Men seni unutmayman bu dunyoda hech qachon
I know it's foolish to long for what is lost
Axir qilib ketting yuragimga ming yolg'on
Your falsehoods left a scar that time cannot exhaust
Uni ustiga har kun tushlarimga kirasan
Still, I can't let go, I crave your presence by my side
Tushlarimda jilmayib sevaman deb turasan
I loved you with all my heart, but now it's filled with pride
Aqil bovar qimaydi nahot sani yuqotdim
I thought we had something special, but I was wrong
Atrofim nur bo'lardi birdan sovuqdan qotdim
Now I'm left alone, my world turned upside down
Mani yolg'onlar rost domiga tortib ketdi
Your lies led me astray, trapping me in a web of deceit
Mani sevgan yorim netay mandan kechib kettdi
Why did you leave me, my love, why did you retreat
Meni aldadi visol meni aldadi sevgi
You deceived me with union, you deceived me with affection
Meni aldadi ishonch lek aldamadi yolg'on
You deceived me with trust, but falsehood was the only constant
Meni aldadi visol meni aldadi sevgi
You deceived me with union, you deceived me with affection
Meni aldadi ishonch lek aldamadi yolg'on
You deceived me with trust, but falsehood was the only constant
Sevardi yuragim bir kun ham tinim bilmay
My heart yearned for you, my love never wavering
Aslida adashdik shu yurakni qadrin bilmay
But we were both fools, our love beyond saving
Qani kim sevadi man sani sevganchalik
Who could love you as I did, with such devotion
Netay insof yoq eken xattoki zig'irchalik
You're heartless and cruel, lacking all compassion
Seni izlagim kelar izlaring o'chib ketgan
I crave your touch, but your memory fades away
Izlaring o'chgan lek yuragimdan o'chmaysan
Your absence haunts me still, night and day
Nahotki bir umr endi seni deya yashayman
I'll spend my life alone, yearning for your love
Seni deya yashayman-u lek yetisha olmayman
But it's a love that's unattainable, like a star up above
Bir tomondan ketganing balki bo'ldi ham yaxshi
In some ways, it's better that you're gone
Bir kun kelib derding ota-onam ham qarshi
For someday, my parents' disapproval would dawn
Yolg'onlarga ishonib yashaganimdan ko'ra
It's better to live with dreams unfulfilled
Armonarga ko'milib yashaganim yaxshi.
Than to live with regrets that can't be stilled
Nega adashdi sevgim be vafoni sevib
Why did my love falter, loving one so unfaithful
Nega yanglishdi ko'zim go'zaligiga uchib
Why did my eyes err, falling for your deceitful path
Nega hamon sevayapman hech ham aqimga sig'mas
Why do I still love, though logic tells me no
Nega mendan ketgansan yuragimdan emas
Why did you leave me, yet my heart won't let you go
Meni aldadi visol meni aldadi sevgi
You deceived me with union, you deceived me with affection
Meni aldadi ishonch lek aldamadi yolg'on
You deceived me with trust, but falsehood was the only constant
Meni aldadi visol meni aldadi sevgi
You deceived me with union, you deceived me with affection
Meni aldadi ishonch lek aldamadi yolg'on!
You deceived me with trust, but falsehood was the only constant! Bir Qadam Oldinda! One Step Ahead!

Авторы: ummon guruhi

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