Ummon guruhi - Kelmasa Malol - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon guruhi - Kelmasa Malol

Kelmasa Malol
Restless Soul
Kelmasa malol, kel yonimga bir bor,
Restless soul, come to me just once,
Qo'llaringdan tutay, sog'inchimni yengay.
Hold my hands and ease my longing.
Kelmasa malol, qil qayta baxtli,
Restless soul, make me happy again,
Yo'qliging tufayli, yemay qo'ydim deyarli.
Because of your absence, I barely eat anything anymore.
Avval sezilmadi, sekin asta boshladi,
At first I didn't notice, it started slowly,
Talpinib sen tomonga, xisslar sen tomonga.
Yearning for you, feelings for you.
Avval ezilmadim, har xil yo'llar izladim,
At first I was not crushed, I searched for different ways,
Lek afsus topolmadim, seni unutolmadim.
But alas I couldn't find anything, I couldn't forget you.
Ko'zlaringdan ayirding meni,
You took me away from your eyes,
So'zlaringdan ayirdin meni,
You took me away from your words,
Qaysi qilgan aybim uchun,
For what crime of mine,
Yonimda yo'qsan bugun.
Are you not by my side today?
Aybim bo'lsa yuzimga ayt,
If I have made a mistake, tell me to my face,
Nega javob yozmay qo'yding ayt,
Why didn't you write back, tell me,
Nega o'zgarib ketding,
Why did you change,
O'zgalarga ketding.
You went to others.
Kelmasa malol, esla meni bir bor,
Restless soul, remember me just once,
Sen eslagan tuni, tushimga kirgin takror-takror.
The night you remember, come into my dreams again and again.
Agar kelsa malol, unda hammasi tamom,
If you come, then everything is okay,
Hammasi yolg'on, bir umrga menga, bo'lib qolding armon.
Everything is a lie, for a lifetime to me, you have become a sorrow.
Tunlar uni o'yladim, u esa o'ylamadi,
I thought of you at night, but you didn't think of me,
Tushlarimda kutardim, u esa bir kelmadi,
I waited in my dreams, but you never came,
Naxotki sog'inmadi... Mani.
Perhaps you don't miss me...
Ko'zlaringdan ayirding meni,
You took me away from your eyes,
So'zlaringdan ayirdin meni,
You took me away from your words,
Qaysi qilgan aybim uchun,
For what crime of mine,
Yonimda yo'qsan bugun.
Are you not by my side today?
Aybim bo'lsa yuzimga ayt,
If I have made a mistake, tell me to my face,
Nega javob yozmay qo'yding ayt,
Why didn't you write back, tell me,
Nega o'zgarib ketding,
Why did you change,
O'zgalarga ketding.
You went to others.

Авторы: ummon guruhi

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