Ummon guruhi - Ko'zi Qaro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon guruhi - Ko'zi Qaro

Ko'zi Qaro
Ko'zi Qaro
Yuragimni ezadi yana o'sha qayg'u,
My heart is tormented by that same sorrow,
Yuragimni ezadi yana o'sha og'u,
My heart is tormented by that same pain,
Hushlarimga keladi ko'zi qaro.
My senses are filled with your dark eyes.
Qo'lingdagi sharobdan, icholmasam netay?
How can I not drink from the wine in your hand?
Qalbimdagi g'aflatdan qocholmasam netay?
How can I escape from the forgetfulness in my heart?
Qo'limdagi suratdan kecholmasam netay?
How can I let go of the picture in my hand?
Ko'zi qaro,
Dark eyes,
Ko'zi qaro.
Dark eyes.
Mayli meni sevmagin, roziman mayli,
Even if you don't love me, I'm content,
Oldimda ketmagin, roziman mayli.
If you don't leave me, I'm content.
Faqat bir bor yo'qlagin, sog'indim seni,
Just check on me once, I miss you,
Ko'zi qaro,
Dark eyes,
Ko'zi qaro.
Dark eyes.
Jondan sevib kechib ketdim,
I loved you with all my heart and left,
Kechmoqligim istading,
You wanted me to leave,
Yuragimdan yulib ketdim,
I tore myself from my heart and left,
Ketmoqligim istading.
You wanted me to leave.
Yuragingga sig'may ketdim,
I didn't fit in your heart and left,
Keragim yo'q sen uchun,
I'm not needed by you,
Ko'zlaringda tinib ketdim,
I found peace in your eyes,
Keragim yo'q sen uchun.
I'm not needed by you.
Yolg'izlikka yo'yding-qo'yding,
You threw me into loneliness,
Hayotimni o'g'irlay,
You steal my life,
Hayotimda endi yo'qsan,
You're no longer in my life,
Yo'q bo'l deding butunlay.
You said disappear completely.
Yuragingga sig'may ketdim,
I didn't fit in your heart and left,
Keragim yo'q sen uchun,
I'm not needed by you,
Ko'zi qaro,
Dark eyes,
Ko'zi qaro.
Dark eyes.
Seni bir ko'rgim keladi,
I want to see you,
Bag'rimga bosgim keladi,
I want to hold you,
Quvonchimning torlaridan,
From the strings of my joy,
Sog'inch kuyin chalgim keladi.
I want to play the tune of longing.
Eslaysanmi sen ham meni,
Do you remember me?
Jondan aziz bilganingni?
The one you cherished?
Yoki yutib yuborgansan,
Or have you forgotten,
Menla o'tgan o'tmishingni.
Our past together?
Yuragimga qurdim qasr,
I built a palace in my heart,
Qasr nomi o'tmishdir,
A palace called the past,
Unda yana ikkimiz,
In it we two again,
Baxtlilardan baxtlimiz.
The happiest of the happy.
Shu qasr menga sabr,
This palace gives me patience,
Ato etar har kuni,
Every day,
Sevarman sevilmay,
I love without being loved,
Kutarman kutilmay.
I wait without being waited for.
Jondan sevib kechib ketdim, Kechmoqligim istading,
I loved you with all my heart and left, you wanted me to leave,
Yuragimdan yulib ketdim,
I tore myself from my heart,
Ketmoqligim istading.
You wanted me to leave.
Yuragingga sig'may ketdim,
I didn't fit in your heart and left,
Keragim yo'q sen uchun,
I'm not needed by you,
Ko'zlaringda tinib ketdim,
I found peace in your eyes,
Keragim yo'q sen uchun.
I'm not needed by you.
Yolg'izlikka yo'yding-qo'yding,
You threw me into loneliness,
Hayotimni o'g'irlay,
You steal my life,
Hayotimda endi yo'qsan,
You're no longer in my life,
Yo'q bo'l deding butunlay.
You said disappear completely.
Yuragingga sig'may ketdim,
I didn't fit in your heart and left,
Keragim yo'q sen uchun,
I'm not needed by you,
Ko'zi qaro,
Dark eyes,
Ko'zi qaro.
Dark eyes.

Авторы: ummon guruhi

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