Ummon guruhi - Layli - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon guruhi - Layli

Yuragim nolalari
My heart is screaming
Mani qo'yvor deb baqiradi
Screaming for you to let go
Kirib olib yuragimga
You've invaded my heart
Layli azob beraveradi
Layla, you torture me
Bilmam qachon ketar ekan
I don't know when you'll leave
Baxtim uzoq etar ekan
I don't know if my luck will hold
Ko'nglimda qulf qafas
My heart is locked and caged
Ochilib ketarmikan
Will it ever be set free?
Mayli mayli mayli faqatgina qo'yvor Layli Layli
Oh Layla, Layla, please just let me go
Qiynayverma meni bo'ldi mayli
Stop torturing me, please
Shuncha qiynaganing balkim yetar
Surely you've tortured me enough
Daydi daydi daydi bo'lib qoldim netay telba daydi
I'm lost, confused, and broken
Bu hammasi kim deb kim tufayli
Whose fault is this?
Qalbimda qop-qora dog'
My heart is stained black
Balki bu sen balkim siyoh
Maybe it's you, maybe it's the ink
Qattiq botar ne bo'lsa ham
No matter how hard I try
Belimda yukmas go'yo tog'
I can't seem to shake this weight
Sevib sani qildim xato
I made a mistake loving you
Hayotimni etib ado
I ruined my life
Shuncha asrab berib mehr
You gave me so much love
So'ng yo'qotib bo'ldim ado
And then you threw it all away
Esingdami sani ilk bor ko'rganimda ko'chada
Do you remember the first time I saw you on the street?
Boshqacha eding o'qishdan qaytayotganingda uyda
You were different, coming home from school
Oppoq qor edi ko'chalar kechagidek esimda
The streets were covered in white snow, I remember it like it was yesterday
Yuragimni yo'lib bergan edim o'sha tuni senga
I gave you my heart that night
Baxtli kunlar juda tez o'tib ketdi u bilan
Those happy days passed by so quickly
U ketdi-yu orqasidan keldi qora tuman
You left, and darkness followed
Ahir aytmaganding baxtli kunlar evaziga
Why didn't you tell me that in exchange for those happy days
Hayoling o'girlab ketaman deb bir umrga
I would be haunted by your memory for the rest of my life?
San mandan ketgansan gar umrim mani qismim
If you're gone, what's left of me?
U sen emassan sendan qolgan jism
It's not you, it's just what's left of you
Sani yo'qotganimga ancha bo'lgan bo'lsa ham
It's been a long time since I lost you
Tirnoqlaring izlari chandiq qildi yuragim
But the marks of your nails still scar my heart
U xolingdan hech narsa qolmabdi bugungacha
Nothing remains of you today
Ibo xiyo ishon sotib ololmaysan pulga
Because trust, honey, can't be bought
Lablaringni kimdir kulib o'pib ketdi
Someone else is kissing your lips
Bu yerda kimdurlar yonib kuyib ketdi
Someone else is burning with desire
Daydi mayli mayli faqatgina qo'yvor Layli Layli
Oh Layla, Layla, please just let me go
Qiynayverma meni bo'ldi mayli
Stop torturing me, please
Shuncha qiynaganing balkim yetar
Surely you've tortured me enough
Mayli daydi daydi bo'lib qoldim netay telba daydi
I'm lost, confused, and broken
Bu hammasi kim deb kim tufayli
Whose fault is this?

Авторы: rizanovauz

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