Ummon guruhi - O'ylamaydi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon guruhi - O'ylamaydi

He Thinks Not
Qólim titrar yozolmasman bir sóz ham
My hand trembles, I don't write a word of falsehood
Qilgan qiliģingdan tóģrisi sózsizman
After what you did, there's no truth without words
Sen qilgan hiyonatni agar men qilsam
If I did the treachery you did
Óylarmisan men haqimda mendayin
Do you think of me like this
Yaxshiliging yor kózida tinarkan
Your kindness filled my eyes
Yillar ótib oxir qadring tugarkan
Years later, your value will be born
Mehr berib tóyolmadim mehrga
I was not satisfied with your love
Óylaganim mendayin óylarmikan
Do you think I think like this
O'ylamaydi o'ylamaydi
He doesn't think, he doesn't think
Sónsam baģrimga bir dona gul qóymaydi
When I die, he won't put a single flower in my bosom
Parvosi yóq demak davosi yóq
He has no sympathy, no sorrow
Ichimga tólib ketgan dardlarni
The pains that filled my heart
O'ylamaydi o'ylamaydi
He doesn't think, he doesn't think
Sónsam qadrimga bir tomchi yosh tòkmaydi
When I die, he won't shed a drop of tear for me
Parvosi yóq demak davosi yóq
He has no sympathy, no sorrow
Ichimga tólib ketgan dardlarni
The pains that filled my heart
Boģlar aro izlab davo yurarmikin
Will you go searching for a cure in the mountains and steppes
Shudringlarga qarab meni eslarmikin
Will you remember me when you look at the valleys
Birga yurgan yerlarimizga borib
Will you go to the places we walked together
Ko'z yosh tókib ming afsuslar chekarmikin
And shed tears and regret a thousand things
Har kun tongda shu yerlarga man kelaman
Every morning I come to these places
Jisming izlab izlab sóngra ketaman
Searching for your body, searching and leaving
Endi birga bóla olmasak kerak
We can't be together anymore
Sen meni óylamaysan bilaman
I know you don't think of me
O'ylamaydi o'ylamaydi
He doesn't think, he doesn't think
Sónsam baģrimga bir dona gul qóymaydi
When I die, he won't put a single flower in my bosom
Parvosi yóq demak davosi yóq
He has no sympathy, no sorrow
Ichimga tólib ketgan dardlarni
The pains that filled my heart
O'ylamaydi o'ylamaydi
He doesn't think, he doesn't think
Sónsam qadrimga bir tomchi yosh tòkmaydi
When I die, he won't shed a drop of tear for me
Parvosi yóq demak davosi yóq
He has no sympathy, no sorrow
Ichimga tólib ketgan dardlarni
The pains that filled my heart
Biz birga kórishib ótirgan joylar
The places we met and sat together
Man uchun eng qadrlidir bugun ular
Are the most precious to me today
Har gal sani soģinganimda shu yerlarga kelib
Every time I miss you, I come to these places
Izlayman panoh izlayman jisming izlayman
I seek refuge, I seek your body
Mani axtarib yurgan kózlaring
Your eyes searching for me
Ishon san mani tiriklayin òldirding
Believe me, you killed me alive
Sovuqotib bólsa ham kutaman
Even if it gets cold, I'll wait
Telbaman òzim ham bilaman
I'm addicted, I know it myself
Qani kiyinib olgan sanga òxshagan jism bólsa
If only there was a body like yours, dressed
Balki bu sen deb óylab qolaman
Maybe I'd think it was you
Uyalmay boraman uyalib qolaman
I go without shame, I get ashamed
Qachongacham ayt adashib qolaman
When will I stop making mistakes
Sovuqda qolib ketaverib bóldim kasal
I got sick, left in the cold
Yóqlamading na tun na sahar
You didn't check on me, neither at night nor at dawn
Oxir chiday olmay dedilar onam
Finally, unable to bear it, they said, "My mother
U sani ancha bólgan òylamay qóygan jon bolam
He has forgotten you a lot, my dear"
O'ylamaydi o'ylamaydi
He doesn't think, he doesn't think
Sónsam baģrimga bir dona gul qóymaydi
When I die, he won't put a single flower in my bosom
Parvosi yóq demak davosi yóq
He has no sympathy, no sorrow
Ichimga tólib ketgan dardlarni
The pains that filled my heart
O'ylamaydi o'ylamaydi
He doesn't think, he doesn't think
Sónsam qadrimga bir tomchi yosh tòkmaydi
When I die, he won't shed a drop of tear for me
Parvosi yóq demak davosi yóq
He has no sympathy, no sorrow
Ichimga tólib ketgan dardlarni
The pains that filled my heart

Авторы: ummon guruhi

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